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A way to treat louts?

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Originally posted by Belle

Ah yes, someone ELSE quoting from the Telegraph


That wonderfully balanced newspaper with no agenda of its own and which never ever prints lies, err sorry, mistruths


I am afraid that's a rather predictable response from someone who constantly quotes from the Guardian.





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I do NOT constantly quote from the Guardian


I dont even buy it


I do look at their website from time to time


I am guessing, but I reckon in over 500 posts I have probably quoted from the Guardian less than 10 times


I will let you do the searches to see if I am right




- and when I do, it is not to say "All truth can be read here" but to say "This might be worthy of a thread of debate"


I dont buy it because in my view it is far too biased - to the far left, not the Labour Party who it loathes, and not the LibDems or Tories but some mad idea of a Utopia that will never exist, yes you heard it hear first


What I buy are local and regional dailies and weeklies




And that is a crap argument against my views if it is ALL you can come up with (but would be okay if it was only one of a number of well thought out and expressed criticisms against me)

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Ooh Dear, well never mind we all come out with rubbish at times but the main thing is we all have our own views and our views should be respected, now nobdy who has commented on this thread is correct because the world is not like that we just hope at the end of these daytrips that these thugs change for the better.

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Originally posted by Belle

I do NOT constantly quote from the Guardian


I dont even buy it


I do look at their website from time to time


I am guessing, but I reckon in over 500 posts I have probably quoted from the Guardian less than 10 times


I will let you do the searches to see if I am right




- and when I do, it is not to say "All truth can be read here" but to say "This might be worthy of a thread of debate"


I dont buy it because in my view it is far too biased - to the far left, not the Labour Party who it loathes, and not the LibDems or Tories but some mad idea of a Utopia that will never exist, yes you heard it hear first


What I buy are local and regional dailies and weeklies




And that is a crap argument against my views if it is ALL you can come up with (but would be okay if it was only one of a number of well thought out and expressed criticisms against me)


Lets just say that if you are attacking me for quoting the Telegraph but you have quoted the Guardian more often then that is a bit of an unfair attack I feel. I withdraw what I said about you CONSTANTLY quoting the Guardian but you have quoted the Guardian on a few occasions. I happen to read almost all newspapers and think that all press are utter scum but do agree/enjoy the odd article. I draw my own conclusions to what I read and try to observe both sides. Incase you didn't notice I did not actually comment on the article in question I just used the article to try and create a debate. btw, for the record I was not attempting to criticise your views. You are very much entitled to whatever views you may have as we all are. I am firmly against anyone having their views but denying others people theirs. :)

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Originally posted by Zamo

These kids do it because it is a "buzz". They get a rush of adrenaline and get to look big in front of their mates.


Next time some snotty nosed, mouthy yob tells you "you can't prove nothing", remember that goes two ways! It is time people started to help themselves.


Ah....lout bashing. The biggest buzz of them all! Now where did I put my cricket bat....

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Originally posted by Lickszz

I am afraid that's a rather predictable response from someone who constantly quotes from the Guardian.






Sorry Lickszz, but once again the Telegraph is not being entirely honest...


Telegraph circulation figures do look good, but only because so many copies are given away for free or are hevaily subsidised (I should know, theyvel been junk mailing me money-off coupons for over three years now)


Telegraph sales fall below 1m


Guardian article, October 2002

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Originally posted by Abby

Sorry Lickszz, but once again the Telegraph is not being entirely honest...


Telegraph circulation figures do look good, but only because so many copies are given away for free or are hevaily subsidised (I should know, theyvel been junk mailing me money-off coupons for over three years now)


Telegraph sales fall below 1m


Guardian article, October 2002


Sorry Abby but I already viewed that out of date link sometime ago, it's dated October 2002 . Those figures in my message were August 2003. Nice try though. :D


ps - I wonder if there is an article titled Guardian readers fall below 300,000? :thumbsup:

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Yes I know the article dates from last year - It's under the link I supplied ;)


And it doesn't change the fact most copies of the Telegraph are heavily subsidised, which would have an impact on those 'sales' figures


I'll send you the next money-off coupons I receive. 50p for the Saturday paper's an absolute bargain, but I wouldn't pay full price, or pay 20p for it during the week.

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