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Latest poll : Lib Dem 39% | Conservative 35% |Labour 18% |

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Wow. Just seen on the Guardian website that their latest poll realeased an hour ago says:


Lib Dem 39%

Conservative 35%

Labour 18%


It seems that Labour support is collapsing with voters moving over to the Lib-Dems. But also, this was Tuesday night - BEFORE Browns bigot incident.




Actually Tony Once again, you've misquoted or misrepresented the latest poll.


The latest poll from ComRes for ITV shows


CON 36%


LAB 29%


LDEM 26%



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wednesday1 - do you think the little people care whose microphone captured the words or what the motivation was in releasing them to the media ?


or do you think the little people care what the words were and who said them ?

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Actually Tony Once again, you've misquoted or misrepresented the latest poll.


The latest poll from ComRes for ITV shows


CON 36%


LAB 29%


LDEM 26%


actually no he hasn't, it's an accurate quote from the guardian 39/35/18 I looked


now the guardian may have got their figures wrong in which case I suggest you have a go at them and stop accusing Tony of misquoting or misrepresenting things

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:o wow!


according to the bbc's election seat calculator, which ok is no better than a wet finger really, that gives


Lib Dem 238 seats

Conservative 271 seats

Labour 113 seats

Other 28 seats


such a shame it's not going to happen really, but I'm sure kingmaker2 will be along presently to remind us


Okay Esme, firstly this poll that Tony has posted is in Con/Lib Dem marginals

and secondly the latest poll by ConRes seems to give a more accurate picture of the national polls.

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actually no he hasn't, it's an accurate quote from the guardian 39/35/18 I looked

now the guardian may have got their figures wrong in which case I suggest you have a go at them and stop accusing Tony of misquoting or misrepresenting things


It's a poll of Lib Dem target seats NOT a National poll therefore it is misrepresenting things as clearly it isn't a National poll.


And as for Tony misqouting things well he misquoted Mr.Brown.


Tony's version " "She is a very bigoted woman"


Brown actually said:


"She's just a sort of bigoted woman"

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wednesday1 - do you think the little people care whose microphone captured the words or what the motivation was in releasing them to the media ?


or do you think the little people care what the words were and who said them ?



It was wrong but it would be a mistake if people allowed the spat to sway their voting intentions away from Labour, the party who has the majorities best interests at heart, to the Tories who represent the few.


Would be a case of jumping out of the frying paninto the fire!


The lady may not be happy with her brush with Gordy, but she'll get over it.

What if Smarmy Dave's cuts mean she can't get an operation, or if the Tories cut her pension?

Would her move away from Labour be so smart then?

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one poll is as good as another, the only one that counts is the one on the 6th


thank you for reminding us that it is based on possibly inaccurate or incomplete information though

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I think the british people know that all the main parties have the same stance on immigration . I can see the B.N.P having massive gains. I think todays shenanigans have just made up a lot of minds....... The worse possible outcome is if the Tory Toffs get back in.......

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It's a poll of Lib Dem target seats NOT a National poll therefore it is misrepresenting things as clearly it isn't a National poll.


it is however their latest poll which is exactly what Tony said it was

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