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Latest poll : Lib Dem 39% | Conservative 35% |Labour 18% |

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I think maybe they thought they were being clever. Backfired a bit though.


This is just another pointless thread started by Tony for no apparent reason.


fine ask the moderators to delete it then, see what they say about it


and regarding whether I thought I was being clever I refer you to my earlier post re the "wet finger" and "shame it's not going to happen"

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no it is the exact literal truth, the link was there for people to follow and read, I did as did many others


.... maybe it was reverse psychology and he posted the link hoping no one would follow it, gosh that's machiavellian, how dare he trifle with us in such a manner, burn the witch


not a very good witch though as the very next post states the information is for marginal seats


Will you stop tarnishing witches with your constant digs at us? Leave us out of it. Everyone apart from the labour lot know GB was wrong in what he said. Everyone apart from the labour lot hope this will damage his already damaged rating in the votes on the 6th. But us witches have nothing to do with any of it. The vote will not involve any spellcasting or witchcraft from us lot. :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Well yeah, but that's what I mean..

A) Before; he was being a smarmy, dis-honest scum-bag.

B) Then after, when he makes his true feelings known in the car; he's being honest and genuine.

C) After the event; he's in damage limitation mode, with his insincere appologies etc.

It's fairly obvious, that only at point B) is he being geniune, where what he says matches up with what he thinks and feels.

A bit slow on the uptake, get your point now, time for bed methinks! :)
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The issue is nothing to do with the accuracy of the BBC seat calculator.


Not really your quote indicates possible either


a) You read Tony's poll results as the standard national polls.


b) You read the Guardian article but didn't really understand it.


c) You don't understand how to use the BBC seat calculator


d) All of the above!


I never doubted the accuracy or otherwise of the BBC swingometer, it's a bit of fun as the BBC will cheerfully tell you


no, I read the article understood it was for marginal seats but was curious to see what the swingometer would show with those figures


I thought other people might be interested in seeing those results too, you do seem to be getting awfully upset over this


and please stop attempting to put motivations in my head that are not there, I've told you why I did it

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I never doubted the accuracy or otherwise of the BBC swingometer, it's a bit of fun as the BBC will cheerfully tell you

no, I read the article understood it was for marginal seats but was curious to see what the swingometer would show with those figures

I thought other people might be interested in seeing those results too, you do seem to be getting awfully upset over this


and please stop attempting to put motivations in my head that are not there, I've told you why I did it


But why would you do that?:confused:


And why would it be interesting for others to read about bogus calculations?


It's no shame in simply admitting you hadn't realised what you were reading, or had fully understood how to use the BBC seat meter properly, as your original quote about the BBC seat meter strongly indicates.

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Will you stop tarnishing witches with your constant digs at us? Leave us out of it. Everyone apart from the labour lot know GB was wrong in what he said. Everyone apart from the labour lot hope this will damage his already damaged rating in the votes on the 6th. But us witches have nothing to do with any of it. The vote will not involve any spellcasting or witchcraft from us lot. :hihi::hihi::hihi:


my apologies I withdraw my reference to witches, this was purely a reference to the persecution of people for witchcraft in days of yore and not intended as a slur on the fine body of people who are actually witches in the present day and hopefully are no longer in any fear of persecution

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But why would you do that?:confused:


It's no shame in simply admitting you hadn't realised what you were reading, as your original quote about the BBC seat meter strongly indicates.


because, as I said, I was curious, are you never curious ? ... silly question of course you are, you wanted to know why I posted therefore you were curious




sorry I missed this bit

And why would it be interesting for others to read about bogus calculations?


no idea you'd have to ask the people who read it

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Quite, it seems that our Tony is as Gaff prone as Mr.Brown!:hihi:


Just in case Tony's first gaff passed you by:


Tony's version of what Gordon Brown said :


"she's a very bigoted woman"


What Gordon Brown actually said:


"She's just a sort of bigoted woman"


Come on Tony go for the hatrick!;)


For the second time on this thread... Wow.


Best wind your neck in, stop making so many assumptions on my part where there are none to be drawn. How dull it would be if all OP's contained full explanations with no room for forming opinions or points of difference.


On your second point, I have already explained on that thread that I created the OP live as it happened on the radio not with the benefit of Google or the BBC website.


There's no need of further explanation if you understand.

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For the second time on this thread... Wow.


Best wind your neck in, stop making so many assumptions on my part where there are none to be drawn. How dull it would be if all OP's contained full explanations with no room for forming opinions or points of difference.


On your second point, I have already explained on that thread that I created the OP live as it happened on the radio not with the benefit of Google or the BBC website.


There's no need of further explanation if you understand.


I posted it twice because I though the poster I was responding to didn't see my edit in time.


But I am sorry if I embarrassed you twice over but that wasn't my intention.


All the same a misquote is a misquote is a misquote, and if you are going to start a thread quoting someone then at least check the quote first before you publish it!


As regards to this "Latest poll", you only left out the small detail of it being a poll of Lib Dem marginal target seats!


The latest NATIONAL poll from ComRes for ITV shows:


CON 36%


LAB 29%


LDEM 26%

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