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Latest poll : Lib Dem 39% | Conservative 35% |Labour 18% |

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I didn't say what kind of poll it is. The full facts are in the first paragraph of the link that I published. I don't intend to spoon feed you even if you appear to need it.



On the OP it's clear that Labour support is vanishing fast where they most need it.

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Wow. Just seen on the Guardian website that their latest poll realeased an hour ago says:


Lib Dem 39%

Conservative 35%

Labour 18%


It seems that Labour support is collapsing with voters moving over to the Lib-Dems.


Your comment below the "latest poll" results suggest it's you that needs to be spoon fed!:rolleyes:

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I posted it twice because I though the poster I was responding to didn't see my edit in time.


But I am sorry if I embarrassed you twice over but that wasn't my intention.


All the same a misquote is a misquote is a misquote, and if you are going to start a thread quoting someone then at least check the quote first before you publish it!


As regards to this "Latest poll", you only left out the small detail of it being a poll of Lib Dem marginal target seats!


The latest NATIONAL poll from ComRes for ITV shows:


CON 36%


LAB 29%


LDEM 26%


as opposed to the BBC national poll which selecting different polling companies gives a con/lab/ld/oth split of


ComRes        con 32%/Lab 28%/LD 31%/Oth 9%
Harris        con 31%/Lab 26%/LD 30%/Oth 13%
ICM           con 33%/Lab 28%/LD 30%/Oth 9%
Ipsos-Mori    con 36%/Lab 30%/LD 23%/Oth 11%
Poll of polls con 33%/Lab 28%/LD 30%/Oth 9%
Populous      con 32%/Lab 28%/LD 31%/Oth 9%
YouGov        con 33%/Lab 28%/LD 29%/Oth 10%


interesting how different polls give broadly similar results, in all but the Ipsos-Mori Labour are third in the running


now as I have no interest in spending the next two hours justifying my post, these were posted in a spirit of curiosity, as far as I can tell they seem to be national polls my apologies if I missed anything that says otherwise and there are descriptions of how the poll tracker works on the web site, please direct any questions there

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as opposed to the BBC national poll which selecting different polling companies gives a con/lab/ld/oth split of


ComRes        con 32%/Lab 28%/LD 31%/Oth 9%
Harris        con 31%/Lab 26%/LD 30%/Oth 13%
ICM           con 33%/Lab 28%/LD 30%/Oth 9%
Ipsos-Mori    con 36%/Lab 30%/LD 23%/Oth 11%
Poll of polls con 33%/Lab 28%/LD 30%/Oth 9%
Populous      con 32%/Lab 28%/LD 31%/Oth 9%
YouGov        con 33%/Lab 28%/LD 29%/Oth 10%


interesting how different polls give broadly similar results, in all but the Ipsos-Mori Labour are third in the running.


The trouble with all these polls is that they are all taken on different dates:

For example both the Harris and Populous polls come from April 21, whereas You gov is taken on April 27, and the rest fall somewhere in between.

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thank you for pointing that out although you could have just posted the dates for all the polling companies yourself


ComRes        26th April
Harris        21st April
ICM           26th April
Ipsos-Mori    25th April
Poll of polls 27th April
Populous      21st April
YouGov        27th April


Kingmakers ComRes results were taken on the 28th April, well the post on the UK Polling report site was posted on 28th April so I assume the figures are for that day




looks like the ITV ComRes result was for the 27th according to the table on http://ukpollingreport.co.uk/blog/voting-intention and not the 28th


pretty big change from the BBC result in what seems to be a short period of time, still if polling were an exact science we wouldn't need an election

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