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Latest poll : Lib Dem 39% | Conservative 35% |Labour 18% |

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pretty big change from the BBC result in what seems to be a short period of time, still if polling were an exact science we wouldn't need an election


I use to work for a major polling company, and you're right it's not an exact science, but we did build in a margin of error for every poll we conducted.


For General elections aside from the 1992 John Major reelection, where most polling companies called it wrong, are a fair indicator of the actual results.

The last general election I was involved with 2001, our poll was spot on.

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;6186264']...I'd be interested to see how the polls have been affected by Gordon Browns 'bigot gaffe' earlier on today...


I suspect Brown's "bigot" comment will get over shadowed as the media turn their attention to the performance of today's final leader debate.

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in your opinion quite possibly, other people may see it as a further confirmation that the labour party as a whole is not interested in the opinions of those who question it's policies and are generally dismissive of them such as with walter wolfgang


The Labour Party is not dismissive of other opinions, as I said Gordy was at fault to say what he said about the woman, however accurate his gut instincts may have been, when I saw it on the news to be honest, I also thought she was a bit of a bigot.



oh good that makes it alright then, if someone, say dave cameron, upset your nan what would you do to them by the way ? when would they get out of hospital do you think ?



If Smarmy Dave upset my Nan it would depend what it was about. She hated bloodsports too so if it was about that I she would have my total support.

Not sure what on earth you are on about with the hospitals?


well that's basically scare tactics, what if she can get her op and her pension is unaffected what then ? Cameron has got to win first and even with this that isn't certain



Scare tactics eh? well we'll see the Tories will be a total nightmare for normal working folk, as they always have been.


If I was employed in the public services I would be even more worried.

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All the same a misquote is a misquote is a misquote, and if you are going to start a thread quoting someone then at least check the quote first before you publish it!


Are you still banging on about that, spilling it over into unrelated threads?


Since it seems to offend so much you please feel free to do what you should have done yesterday - report it and ask a mod to alter it. I'm sure that they will oblige and I have no reason to feel slighted.


If you can't be bothered to do that perhaps you are just persisting in a chance to childishly goad another SF member. Enjoy your moment, it's one way traffic. ;)

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The Labour Party is not dismissive of other opinions, as I said Gordy was at fault to say what he said about the woman, however accurate his gut instincts may have been, when I saw it on the news to be honest, I also thought she was a bit of a bigot.
Oh, the irony!


The real point is that he was at fault in being two-faced and smarming up to her in pursuit of her vote and then slagging her afterwards. It just shows the utter contempt that the man, no doubt further influenced by his association with that revolting fraud Mandelson, has for the electorate. It says a lot about Labour that they seem to think it was just him being caught out that's the problem.


What with his inappropriate smiling, general arrogance and ineptitude and now the glimpse of his true colours ... grrrrrrhh! Begone, foul beast! :)

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one poll is as good as another, the only one that counts is the one on the 6th


thank you for reminding us that it is based on possibly inaccurate or incomplete information though



The poll isn't inaccurate - its clear from the article that it related to the top 42 Lib Dem Target seats and not the whole country.


The inaccuracy is in the title and the original post.


Just goes show - you should always read and understand something before you link to it - or comment on it!

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If I was employed in the public services I would be even more worried.


But you're not. I am and I'm not worried. Big savings can be made without job losses. But you'd only know this if you worked in the public sector and saw things first hand.


Even something simple as turning off PCs and monitors at night borough wide is making a huge saving. We were asked to do this but I said we'd already been doing it for three years. The IT bods whinge that they need to be on to get updates. But that's rubbish. If they did their jobs better and learnt more about computer management they'd know it can be done very easily and only a small window of time is needed between the last user of the day logging off, performing the updates then shutting down the PC.

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Wow. Just seen on the Guardian website that their latest poll realeased an hour ago says:


Lib Dem 39%

Conservative 35%

Labour 18%


It seems that Labour support is collapsing with voters moving over to the Lib-Dems.


No surprise really - our country needs a LibDem landslide

to secure the services of Nick Clegg and Vinny Cable.




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