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Voting-parties a quick run down

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It is a completely wasted protest vote.


If a vote expresses your opinion, then it's never wasted.


People seem to have this idea that voting cards are like lottery tickets. Unless you back the winning side, you've "lost" and the vote has been wasted.


The only way to waste your vote is not to use it.

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Force schools to have daily Christian Assemblies


I don't understand the BNP logic on this policy.


ALL the UK Christian churches have denounced the BNP as having values that are anti-Christian.


So, why does the BNP have a policy that insists that the BNP is denounced every day in every school? (Incidentally, I'd support that!)


Is it some sort of persecution/martyrdom complex?

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Thankyou ck, this is very good rundown .

I'm voting B.N.P because immigration is my number 1 issue.

Anyone who does not have immigration as their main issue I'm sure will vote lib dems, labour has lost touch , the tories are well tories .

Lets just hope Cleggy is not another bliar .


I don't think you've quite caught up with Cleggy, as he wants to offer British citizenship to all illegal immigrants.


The BNP wants to expel all non-indigenous (whatever they are) people from the UK.


However, it seems to me that if that is UK policy, then every other country in the world might reasonably suggest that they might want to expel the non-indigenous Brits who currently live in those countries.


Where are we going to put these 5million+ Brits who are going to be sent 'home'?

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Can someone give me a few bullet points for each of the main parties about what they are 'fighting for' and/or saying they want to achieve.


Make it simple and factual.




The LibDems stand for fairness in our voting system and our taxation system.




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If a vote expresses your opinion, then it's never wasted.


People seem to have this idea that voting cards are like lottery tickets. Unless you back the winning side, you've "lost" and the vote has been wasted.


The only way to waste your vote is not to use it.


Exactly. Saying "im not going to vote for party X because they wont win" is idiotic.

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I don't think you've quite caught up with Cleggy, as he wants to offer British citizenship to all illegal immigrants.


The BNP wants to expel all non-indigenous (whatever they are) people from the UK.


However, it seems to me that if that is UK policy, then every other country in the world might reasonably suggest that they might want to expel the non-indigenous Brits who currently live in those countries.


Where are we going to put these 5million+ Brits who are going to be sent 'home'?


5 million extra tax payers, I doubt these brits will be claiming benefits. I'm sure the B.N.P 's policies on immigration are not the strictest in the world. There would still be work visa's...

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