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UKIP-what dont you like about their manifesto?

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Also perhaps give me some pointer as to what they have missing in the manifesto compaed to the bigger parties.


taking into account the manifesto and not hearsay Im looking at the manifesto and cant see anything i disagree with. I can see a few things they dont have in there though. So im not going to look at the other parties and compare.

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-Save up to £120bn a year by leaving the EU. No British jobs or trade will be lost


Not likely. Many a foreign business opened up manufacturing plants within the UK to be able to compete within the 'Eurozone'. I guarantee quite a few jobs will go if we remove ourselves from the EU as they'll retaliate by removing us from the trade block.


-End uncontrolled mass immigration


Its not immigration itself that's the issue as a continuous influx of immigrants can provide a means for improved economic growth by increasing the demand for privately sold goods and services as well as providing much needed employees for jobs that suffer severe shortages of local employment. Not to mention providing the government with another tax payer. The real issue is government subsidised immigration for those that may not be willing to work and therefore are able to claim benefits and use public services as soon as they settle here without having to pay a penny in tax beforehand.


-Boost the military budget by 40% so our armed forces are properly equipped

-Keep Britain’s independent nuclear deterrent strong

-Expand the Army by 25% and double the TA

-Expand the Royal Navy to its 2001 strength, guaranteeing the future of Plymouth, Portsmouth and Rosyth ports


Really? In a time when Britain is quickly approaching bankruptcy where severe cuts to public spending are needed to avoid turning our currency into useless a wallpaper decoration? The above mentioned policies simply cannot be paid for without drastic tax increases or further borrowing...


Those are my major objections for now. I do have many more but its late and dont have time...

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So you disagree with every single point?


Seriously, forget the 'racist tag' attached to the name and LOOK at the point and tell me which you would not like to happen and why.


The UKIP are offering nothing new on their policies. The points from 1-17 half of them the goverment are trying to regulate or have done it before.


The main attraction about the UKIP is wanting to discontinue with the EU. Britain has been involved with the EU since the late 1950's & what they are offering on point 1) is false & nothing that has not been said or written about before. Like it or not Britain needs the EU & with everything else in life there is a mixature of bad & good in it.


Seriously, I can't forget the "racist tag" I shan't be associatated with anything or anyone that discriminates in any form.

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It says they want to build more social housing, but it doesn't say how much.
And considering the state of our economy as well as our tax and spending deficit that's further increasing our national debt well beyond what is in anyway healthy... How exactly do they expect us to pay for it all? :rolleyes:
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