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UKIP-what dont you like about their manifesto?

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;6186292']-Save up to £120bn a year by leaving the EU. No British jobs or trade will be lost


Not likely. Many a foreign business opened up manufacturing plants within the UK to be able to compete within the 'Eurozone'. I guarantee quite a few jobs will go if we remove ourselves from the EU as they'll retaliate by removing us from the trade block.


-End uncontrolled mass immigration


Its not immigration itself that's the issue as a continuous influx of immigrants can provide a means for improved economic growth by increasing the demand for privately sold goods and services as well as providing much needed employees for jobs that suffer severe shortages of local employment. Not to mention providing the government with another tax payer. The real issue is government subsidised immigration for those that may not be willing to work and therefore are able to claim benefits and use public services as soon as they settle here without having to pay a penny in tax beforehand.


-Boost the military budget by 40% so our armed forces are properly equipped

-Keep Britain’s independent nuclear deterrent strong

-Expand the Army by 25% and double the TA

-Expand the Royal Navy to its 2001 strength, guaranteeing the future of Plymouth, Portsmouth and Rosyth ports


Really? In a time when Britain is quickly approaching bankruptcy where severe cuts to public spending are needed to avoid turning our currency into useless a wallpaper decoration? The above mentioned policies simply cannot be paid for without drastic tax increases or further borrowing...


Those are my major objections for now. I do have many more but its late and dont have time...




Thank you for actually reading it and answering my thread properly.


In relation to your second point, i maybe missing something but as most immigrants cant work straight away (depending on the visa) how are they helping the economic growth) surely they are only taking and not giving? How many of the immigrants actually come over here and work in a occupation which is of benefit to the UK, for instance nursing, teaching, etc... I know no matter which the occupation they should pay taxes which is of benefit but again, how many work?


I also am dubious about the aim of the military proposals. Seems to make the adjustments they aim for we need a high ball park financial figure which we dont seem to have.


It seems I can throw a question back at a lot of the points on every parties manifesto.

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In relation to your second point, i maybe missing something but as most immigrants cant work straight away (depending on the visa) how are they helping the economic growth) surely they are only taking and not giving? How many of the immigrants actually come over here and work in a occupation which is of benefit to the UK, for instance nursing, teaching, etc... I know no matter which the occupation they should pay taxes which is of benefit but again, how many work?

I'm talking genuine immigration here of people who seek a better way of life even if it means taking a low paid unskilled job and not asylum or illegals. It annoys me that people often confuse the two as genuine paid workers do actually contribute taxes back into the system alongside providing and increase in demand for private services and goods...


Do you not agree that these days there seems to be many a job that You'll never see a British person doing any more? When was the last time you saw a white taxi driver? Ever been to a hand car wash lately and noticed they're almost completely majority staffed by people from the former eastern block countries? Have you not noticed that most farm labourers are nigh on 99% foreign? Cleaning jobs are almost always staffed by those not born here also. What I'm getting at is that there seems to be many a job sector that simply cannot get local employment as the local populace of this country no longer see those jobs as an honest wage and see such jobs as beneath them. Such jobs desperately need and constant influx of migrants in order to fill those positions.

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;6186299']And considering the state of our economy as well as our tax and spending deficit that's further increasing our national debt well beyond what is in anyway healthy... How exactly do they expect us to pay for it all? :rolleyes:


Housing would be a reasonable thing to get into debt for.


Besides, 1/3 of housing benefit is paid for housing tenants in private properties, that's £5billion a year straight into the hands of buy to let investors and the likes.


The rent paid on a social house over 40 years would pay off the debt required to build it, if not sooner, the next 30 years would allow enough money to be collected in rent to build a new house. We could leave our grandchildren a decent amount of housing stock, rather than debt for a change.


We can pay for it with pretend money, as we always have done, we could maybe even pay it back for a change.


We need good housing, cost is irrelevant.

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;6186312']I'm talking genuine immigration here of people who seek a better way of life even if it means taking a low paid unskilled job and not asylum or illegals. It annoys me that people often confuse the two as genuine paid workers do actually contribute taxes back into the system alongside providing and increase in demand for private services and goods...


Do you not agree that these days there seems to be many a job that You'll never see a British person doing any more? When was the last time you saw a white taxi driver? Ever been to a hand car wash lately and noticed they're almost completely majority staffed by people from the former eastern block countries? Have you not noticed that most farm labourers are nigh on 99% foreign? Cleaning jobs are almost always staffed by those not born here also. What I'm getting at is that there seems to be many a job sector that simply cannot get local employment as the local populace of this country no longer see those jobs as an honest wage and see such jobs as beneath them. Such jobs desperately need and constant influx of migrants in order to fill those positions.


first bold-Im not confusing the 2 at all. Im quite aware workers pay taxes so i hope that comment was not aimed at me.


1) white taxi driver picked me up from morrisons at 6:30pm this evening.


2) In the office my husband works and the office i used to work she staff were mainly British born white staff.


3) I agree in that there are various jobs that british born people will not do. I think because of this I think people on JSA should be made to work in a job they physically can do whetherh they like it or not or their benefit will be stopped.


4) I think what you saying is 'only allow the immigrants in which will work'. Which I would agree with, however how do you manage that? How can you guarantee every single immigrant who comes in works? Its just doesnt happen.

In a 1 year period out of all the immigrants some will 'give' to our economy (by working and paying taxes) and some 'take away' from it, in that year what do the finances show? that from both types of immigrants it has been a positive or negative effect on the economy? I dont know the figures, do you? are they available anywhere?

If out off all the immigrants coming in the majority take from our economy then we arent gaining anything by letting any of them in are we?


Can I just say I hate using the word 'them' and 'white' but its nearly 3am and im trying to answer in basic terms but do not want to cause offense in using terms losely. feel free to tell me how to rephrase and I will do.

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