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UKIP-what dont you like about their manifesto?

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;6186292']-Save up to £120bn a year by leaving the EU. No British jobs or trade will be lost


Not likely. Many a foreign business opened up manufacturing plants within the UK to be able to compete within the 'Eurozone'. I guarantee quite a few jobs will go if we remove ourselves from the EU as they'll retaliate by removing us from the trade block.


They would be cutting their own throats if they did this as most British companies are not actually British. Nigel Farage does not want to stop European sharing, but does not want a european superstate. A group of independant countries who get together for a cup of tea, or coffee, and have a chat to attempt to resolve things - rather than any euro ruler telling everyone else what they should do in their own country.

Many a foreign business will remain in Britain regardless of whether we have a European superstate or not.


And as for the rest - 120bn per year could fund a fair amount of those projects UKIP are suggesting. Also was there not some mention on there of not wasting a fortune on nukes that we do not need? That would save more money for those projects.

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UKIP come across as being a bit eccentric, to say the least.


As a side issue, I saw their party political broadcast the other night, the one with the boxer bloke and the obnoxious Farage. It looked like it had been produced as part of an "O" level project by a bunch of 14 year olds, it was so amateurish...

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In relation to your second point, i maybe missing something but as most immigrants cant work straight away (depending on the visa) how are they helping the economic growth) surely they are only taking and not giving? How many of the immigrants actually come over here and work in a occupation which is of benefit to the UK, for instance nursing, teaching, etc... I know no matter which the occupation they should pay taxes which is of benefit but again, how many work?
When saying 'most', I think you'll find the vast majority of immigrants come from the EU (no question of visa, and can work straight away by reason of same), and for working (the UK benefits system does not compare that favourably with many other EU countries, time to take off the blinkers). I can certainly vouch that, compared to France or Germany, UK benefits as a whole are barely above a pittance. Compared to Luxembourg, they're embarassing. That's not criticising UK benefits, nor making a case for increasing them, but just to give some perspective.


I think you might also find that a non-trivial portion of UK income tax is generated from the above and, (more-or-less) within that, a non-trivial portion of UK income tax at the highest tax bracket is generated by immigrants (EU, US, AU, JP and others, working as City types, headquarter types in UK-based/foreign-owned companies, doctors and similar-level professionals, teachers, etc).


Comparatively, you might also find that Spain has been, for a number of years now, trying to "sort out" the non-trivial gap generated within its own NHS budget by ageing Brit (and from other EU countries of course ...but mostly Brits) who emigrated there for their retirement.


That's just a small example of course, and I could extend it to British people who have emigrated to other EU countries and have been, and continue to, contribute to local taxes there (just the same way as EU immigrants contribute to local taxes here).


EU = Swings and roundabouts. The chief idea behind it, to be honest, and it still seems to be working OK. Has worked for me, for over 15 years now, in each and everyone of which the UK has made a fairly large 'net profit' from my income tax, so to speak.


I certainly don't like the UKIP's rethoric, and after seeing their guy on BBC Breakfast this morning, as another poster put it earlier in this thread, it's basically the BNP in Saville Row disguise.

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Point 1 to 17...Arn't the UKIP the posher version of the BNP?


Thats as silly as saying the Conservatives are the posher version of the Labour Party.


The BNP are a socialist party with a racist history. Sounds familiar? Look up their policies on tax, the state, industry restructuring etc if you dont believe me.


UKIP are right of centre with small state, low tax, direct local democracy policies. And not a hint of racism. The likes of Winston Mackenzie and Abhijit Pandya, who are both BME candidates for UKIP at this election would testify to that.


You cannot compare the two, to do so shows ignorance of the parties and the issues.

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;6186292']-Save up to £120bn a year by leaving the EU. No British jobs or trade will be lost


Not likely. Many a foreign business opened up manufacturing plants within the UK to be able to compete within the 'Eurozone'. I guarantee quite a few jobs will go if we remove ourselves from the EU as they'll retaliate by removing us from the trade block.



That is simply not true. We are a net importer of EU goods. They need us more than we need them, and indeed if we take the "3 million jobs would be lost" guff that the PM came out with in the leaders debate and use the same methodology, there are 4 million jobs in the EU which depend on us! If we withdrew from political union (which is all that UKIP want) then free trade agreements, on a similar platform to those currently in force with Norway and Switzerland, would be drawn up and used.


Remember the arguments when we were told by the Europhiles that we must join the Euro? We were told that we could not compete if we didn't, and that jobs would be lost. Well we didnt join, and we didnt lose out. In fact, it was shown to be a very very wise decision not to join, in that our economy would be in a far worse position had we listened to the federalists.

We would be in an even better position if we withdrew from political union but kept free trade agreements.

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When saying 'most', I think you'll find the vast majority of immigrants come from the EU (no question of visa, and can work straight away by reason of same), and for working (the UK benefits system does not compare that favourably with many other EU countries, time to take off the blinkers). I can certainly vouch that, compared to France or Germany, UK benefits as a whole are barely above a pittance. Compared to Luxembourg, they're embarassing. That's not criticising UK benefits, nor making a case for increasing them, but just to give some perspective.


I think you might also find that a non-trivial portion of UK income tax is generated from the above and, (more-or-less) within that, a non-trivial portion of UK income tax at the highest tax bracket is generated by immigrants (EU, US, AU, JP and others, working as City types, headquarter types in UK-based/foreign-owned companies, doctors and similar-level professionals, teachers, etc).


Comparatively, you might also find that Spain has been, for a number of years now, trying to "sort out" the non-trivial gap generated within its own NHS budget by ageing Brit (and from other EU countries of course ...but mostly Brits) who emigrated there for their retirement.


That's just a small example of course, and I could extend it to British people who have emigrated to other EU countries and have been, and continue to, contribute to local taxes there (just the same way as EU immigrants contribute to local taxes here).


EU = Swings and roundabouts. The chief idea behind it, to be honest, and it still seems to be working OK. Has worked for me, for over 15 years now, in each and everyone of which the UK has made a fairly large 'net profit' from my income tax, so to speak.


I certainly don't like the UKIP's rethoric, and after seeing their guy on BBC Breakfast this morning, as another poster put it earlier in this thread, it's basically the BNP in Saville Row disguise.


Unfortunately you have not really answered me, your main response points start with 'think' in the first sentence. To answer my question as to

whether immigrants as a whole give to the economy more than take away we need actual


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The UKIP are offering nothing new on their policies. The points from 1-17 half of them the goverment are trying to regulate or have done it before.


The main attraction about the UKIP is wanting to discontinue with the EU. Britain has been involved with the EU since the late 1950's & what they are offering on point 1) is false & nothing that has not been said or written about before. Like it or not Britain needs the EU & with everything else in life there is a mixature of bad & good in it.


Seriously, I can't forget the "racist tag" I shan't be associatated with anything or anyone that discriminates in any form.

So do you believe that anyone who objects to the immigration issue is automatically a racist,blimey that old dear who Gordon slagged off must be joint leader of the BNP and Ukip...there's thousand if not millions more like her,ordinary people that,unlike some idiots on here ,realise there's a problem and a big one at that..get used to it

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