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Fergie declares his support for Labour

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More chance of Wednesday playing in Europe next season than Clegg being PM!


Wednesday don't want to play in Europe because they

"Want to concentrate on the league"


Prime Minister Clegg wants to play in Europe because he

"Wants to concentrate on putting the Great back in Great Britain"


Nick is well known and well respected in Europe.

He will represent the UK very well.


Trust me - Cameron and Osbourn are as phoney as Brown.




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Why is anyone surprised Fergie is a Labour supporter?


He always has been, and has come out and said so at every election since 97.

He is good pals with Alistair Campbell.


What surprises me is that the OP presumably thinks that this is a vote winner for the Labour Party.:loopy::loopy::D:D:hihi::hihi:

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