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Who backed their books with wallpaper at school?


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My mum used to work in a painting and decorating shop and when I started Comp I begged one of the old wallpaper books off her. I was very popular with my huge supply of psychadelic wallpaper samples.


Mum also supplied a friend of hers with a couple of old sample books which she used to wallpaper the toilet walls with. Using that loo was a bit like a psychadelic trip -or so I was told......

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I can remember this i always picked the best paper we had up in the house and then in the later years of school we just used to write all over it saying we loved whoever our current crush was at the time hahaha memories!

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I did, was telling my 2 daughters about it the other day, they thought it was hilarious!!

everything had to be backed!...text books AND excercise books!!! Usually in the most hideous wallpaper that mum and dad had bought to use and then thank goodness thought better of it and left it in the cupboard ....just in case it might be useful for something!! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

When I was at school in the 1980s I backed my books in wallpaper but as the years went on, I found Smash Hits to be the best covering to use! Ive still got a box full of schoolbooks all from the mid-1980s and can picture now the one with Belinda Carlisle on the cover (1988-ish)!

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i left school 5 years ago, and they were still backing books then! why is it if you drew on your book you had to pay for a new one, but you can wrap it up and stick things on it?

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