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Who backed their books with wallpaper at school?


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That was a thick cover or a thin book!


Covering books makes them last longer, and look less tatty. I'm surprised at people saying it was to give the pupils something to do in lessons - book backing was always part of homework for us.


It was always therefore a bonus to get issued with a textbook that was already backed in something not too bad.


If only the OP had spent less time backing their grammar book and more time reading it, there might might be a mistake in the title :-)


Do you mean might not??:hihi:

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i used magazine pages, trouble was i could never back them right, they ended up so tight in the middles the books never shut! they always opened on their own even when you had them with several others in your school bag once it was out on the desk it had a life of its own! lol, still cant back them had a go at my sons and eh presto! open it sprang! lol

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  • 1 month later...

I remember being told that we had to back our exercise books so they looked neat and tidy. What a laugh! No one in my class, including myself, ever did it properly and the books all ended up looking like flea market rejects!

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When I was at school in the early 80's, I remember backing my exercise books in fablon. They did look quite smart and lasted well, though the teak effect fablon wasn't my choice - honest!

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  • 1 year later...
I went to secondary in school in the late 1990s and I used to do that, yes the lovely floral wallpaper ends that your mum had left you were made to back your books with he he why did we have to back our books?? I never understood that. :)


We were made to back them at school because we all insisted on writing all over the covers :hihi:. If they were backed, the teachers could rip the backing off at the end of the year and all the books looked clean and smart! Apart from the little characters drawn in the corner of every page of course :D.

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