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Who backed their books with wallpaper at school?


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Yep, newspaper was my choice. But the ink used to come off on everything. Also the pens leaked so a right mess at the end of a lesson. (ink pens) I was always getting shounted at for bending the nibs by pressing too hard.

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I went to Notre Dame High School in about 1953 and we certainly backed our books then. My mother would wall-paper the lounge yearly just before Christmas so there was always plenty of spare paper. If you were a little bit better off than most you backed with flock paper but ours was fairly cheap and bought I think from Bunneys at Firth Park?

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Yeah, put me down for this, also made a calendar using wall paper covered bit of cardboard and had to caj a threepenny bit from my mom to buy the tiny calendar which hung from two strips of ribbon from the wallpaper with a picture on it. something like that anyway ,its a long time ago now.

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