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The Problem of Heaven

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Again, if in Heaven one has free will with a guarantee not to do wrong, then the consistent Creator would have the done here. Thus, God, having no reason not to be consistent erred in His treatment of animals. And one rationalizes greatly should one prattle that no, evolution absolves Him of that blame, for He created evolution, were He to exist!

Supernaturalists ever prattle nonsense in order to allow for His permitting evil were He to exist! Plantinga errs in feeling that the unknown defense rallies evidence to the fore for His permitting pointless evils in that he is making an argument from ignorance! His so-called contribution that perhaps He has some unknown reason for permitting those evils thus utterly fails as a possibility to overcome the logical problem from evil.

Whilst the problem of Heaven totally eviscerates the appeals to free will and soul-making, William Rowe's the evidential problem from evil can underpin it to show that supernaturalists just flaunt morality and rationality with one rationalization after another.

In words, even the second grader above can understand, God, were He to exist, is a big-time bungler by permitting evils when we could have free will with that guarantee not to to wrong as in Heaven!


You talk the biggest load of <REMOVED> I've ever heard in all my life.


Also, if you don't believe in God, why are you making threads about him?


I might make a thread about how Father Christmas is unfair to the poor children of India, I don't believe in him but, what the hell - I'm bored and have nothing better to do with my life, so why not?

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Dear Mr OP


Whilst i can perhaps appreciate the occasional philosophical discussion , (it does indeed open your mind to other perspectives).. most people have neither the time nor the inclination to debate such deep philosophical topics.

Plus, I feel your over use of language serves to do nothing other than alienate your audience..!

Such verbiage may impress your peers, but to the general population, it smacks of elitism.

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