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Teacher acquitted of attempted murder

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When the lad gave evidence he couldn't remember waving the ruler around.


He had no recollection of dancing around with the bunsen burner.


His memory retained nothing about shouting abuse.


What's the betting his parents will pose for photos with their darling butter-wouldn't-melt son?

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I'm not doubting the kid deserved a beating, but I struggle to believe that he didn't intend to kill that child.


Doubt he'll offend again though and the kid's hopefully been knocked down a peg or two so not overly fussed like...

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Glad he was cleared of the major charge's.

He has, though, got to be sentenced for the lesser charge of GBH which he pleaded guilty on. This on it's own will end his career and lose him his pension.


The pupils are not entirely blameless either as on that day they went in the classroom with a video camera with the intention of making him snap and filming it. Surely there must be a charge there for them to answer too.


Although not on the CHAD website ( http://www.chad.co.uk/news/Peter-Harvey-trial-Teacher-found.6263762.jp ) this was stated in the actual paper as being brought up in court.

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I was pleased to hear this. Throughout the reporting of the trial, the picture of the teacher seemed to be of a caring, committed, passionate and hard-working teacher. I wonder what will happen to his career now?


All sympathy for the kid and everything - the beating he got seemed out of all proportion to the beating he actually deserved...



This is where I beg to differ.


I have no sympathy for the kid at all. Same as I have no sympathy for joyriders who wrap their skulls around lamp-posts.


These kids went into a lesson, armed with a camcorder (bizarrely thank god they did!) with the soul intent of causing as much distress as possible to a teacher that they knew had reduced his hours due to stress, with the anticipation of posting his provoked ranting on YouTube no doubt.


My sympathy is with the teacher who actively sought help and got naff all.

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Thats the problem with the system of him pleading guilty to a lesser charge i suppose - juries will often not convict the higher charge if there is a lesser charge they can choose, or if already pleaded guilty to a lesser charge


And the CPS will often back up a serious charge with an alternative lesser charge to improve their chances of getting a conviction ... the accused does not choose which charges (s)he answers. It's not all one-sided.

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