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Teacher acquitted of attempted murder

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All sympathy for the kid and everything - the beating he got seemed out of all proportion to the beating he actually deserved...


Maybe, but perhaps he wouldn't have survived the beating he actually deserved. ;)


I wonder what happened to him on the previous occasions? - Or was this a 'one-off' ?

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Maybe, but perhaps he wouldn't have survived the beating he actually deserved. ;)


I wonder what happened to him on the previous occasions? - Or was this a 'one-off' ?

I hope as they grow older it will sink in just how much damage these morons did to a dedicated teacher.

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When the lad gave evidence he couldn't remember waving the ruler around.


He had no recollection of dancing around with the bunsen burner.


His memory retained nothing about shouting abuse.


What's the betting his parents will pose for photos with their darling butter-wouldn't-melt son?


Yeah i can just see the liitle sod looking sorry for himself.

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I hope as they grow older it will sink in just how much damage these morons did to a dedicated teacher.


The BBC interviewed a former pupil of the teacher who said that he used to give the guy a hard time so it seems this sort of teacher baiting was going on for years unchecked. Kids these days have too many rights and not enough responsibilities I think.

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The case should have never have gone to court on a charge of attemted murder. The judge got his comments right. I don't know what the CPS were thinking...


Thats what I was thinking yesterday in what way could it possibly be seen as attempted murder, he didn't go to the school with a knife. I still thought they would charge him with it though, I think the heckling was probably much worse than was known, although it already sounded horrendous

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