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Teacher acquitted of attempted murder

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Ha ha! You know full well what it has to do with it as evidenced by your next sentence (below). You felt able to dismiss, out of hand, my suggestion that many schools are able to exert discipline without the need for corporal punishment yet you, actually, have no experience to back up your diatribe.




Thanks for returning the favour, Dragon, because this made me chuckle.


You are quite happy to spout your ill-informed, narrow minded twaddle all around this forum and yet you are now suggesting that I would have to have worked in every school in the country in order to have a valid opinion on how schools operate and what may or may not be successful?


Priceless ... thanks!


Long and short of it is, Dragon, I've worked in a number of schools in Sheffield and in Bolton; some with good discipline, some dire. My observations and, indeed, actions during that time have led me to develop the opinion I shared in post #52.


If you'd care to supply enough evidence to the contrary then you may change my opinion.


If you prefer to, simply, chuckle, dismiss out of hand and just provide more of your opinionated tripe then please forgive me if I remain unconvinced by your "argument".


Edited to add:


Oh, and by the way, if you want to see some discipline, come & see one of my lessons some time...

Why don't you take your comments to the numptys thread?
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After all the backbiting and negative answers on here..(as usual)...:(


Dosent anyone agree with my point about dicipline starting at home??? i agree teachers should have more control in schools, but how can they when the parents are sometimes worse than the kids.


It seems as if the general feeling today is that teachers are solely responsible for diciplining these thugs....


Thats just not fair!!!....parents should stop "passing the buck" and start being responsible for their childrens behaviour.


I cant see the parents of the children in this class taking any responsibility at all for their kids outrageous behaviour that resulted in this poor bloke having a breakdown, and a child getting hurt..:mad:

That would take a bit of effort on their part..:mad:

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Prove to everyone where I am wrong then and explain these miraculous dicipline procedures ...


Hi Dragon.


Such bile ... you should try and find some happiness in your life.


I'm sorry you consider strong management and well implemented policies to be in any way miraculous, though it may well explain your general negativity.


...that have made all the schools you have worked in so perfect.


If you read my posts a little more carefully through your general red mist of hatred you'll see that I stated, clearly, that not all the schools I've worked in have been perfect.


I am certain many other schools would like to benefit from your great wisdom in solving all their problems


I claimed no wisdom, great or otherwise. I simply stated that discipline can be and is achieved in many schools.


Enjoy your vain attempts to ridicule me some more as you tell us what you would do with a single unruly child in a lesson you are giving.


I'm quite happy to give you a run down of the strategies and tactics I've used and their level of success with different individuals but you'll have to pay me a consultancy fee.



Prove to everyone where I am wrong


Proof? No need. I stated an opinion that I've generated through observation. Take it or leave it. I'm happy in the knowledge that I'm correct.


As I said earlier, Dragon. I stated my opinion, from experience. No axe to grind - just stating an opinion. You popped up with your usual opinionated nonsense and I responded. I speak from experience; you speak from anger.

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Hi Dragon.


Such bile ... you should try and find some happiness in your life.

I'm sorry you consider strong management and well implemented policies to be in any way miraculous, though it may well explain your general negativity.


If you read my posts a little more carefully through your general red mist of hatred you'll see that I stated, clearly, that not all the schools I've worked in have been perfect.


I claimed no wisdom, great or otherwise. I simply stated that discipline can be and is achieved in many schools.


Proof? No need. I stated an opinion that I've generated through observation. Take it or leave it. I'm happy in the knowledge that I'm correct.


Not sure where you get hatred and bile from. Not from knowing anything about me that is for sure.


I see you have not addressed any of the issues I raised and thus will treat your posts as nothing more than unsubstantiated gob-rot. And if teachers in these excellent schools are anything like you appear to be then I am amazed by their excellence.


You did not just state an opinion did you? And when questioned about your perfect little fantasy world you quickly dismiss the questions. I can just imagine what you are like in front of a class of schoolkids.

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Not sure where you get hatred and bile from. Not from knowing anything about me that is for sure.


I see you have not addressed any of the issues I raised and thus will treat your posts as nothing more than unsubstantiated gob-rot. And if teachers in these excellent schools are anything like you appear to be then I am amazed by their excellence.


You did not just state an opinion did you? And when questioned about your perfect little fantasy world you quickly dismiss the questions. I can just imagine what you are like in front of a class of schoolkids.


"numpties' thread", numpty.


We seem to have a couple of unruly children here.


Go in the corner and have a word with yourselves :D

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We seem to have a couple of unruly children here.


Go in the corner and have a word with yourselves :D


How long for? Do I have to stay there forever and ever and ever? No good me having a word with myself cos I never listen anyhow. That's one of the reasons I am unruly. :roll:

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Can't really be bothered and I have to go restring my guitars but, briefly....


Not sure where you get hatred and bile from.


From reading your posts, sir.



You did not just state an opinion did you? And when questioned about your perfect little fantasy world you quickly dismiss the questions. I can just imagine what you are like in front of a class of schoolkids.


Me: "There are some schools with excellent discipline" [plus reasons]


You: "That made me laugh" followed by a rant.


I see you have not addressed any of the issues I raised and thus will treat your posts as nothing more than unsubstantiated gob-rot. And if teachers in these excellent schools are anything like you appear to be then I am amazed by their excellence.


You did not just state an opinion did you? And when questioned about your perfect little fantasy world you quickly dismiss the questions.


I told you. I'll tell you anything you like about what schools do and what I, personally, do but you'll have to pay me a consultancy fee. ;)


I can just imagine what you are like in front of a class of schoolkids.




And if teachers in these excellent schools are anything like you appear to be then I am amazed by their excellence.


yet, on another thread:


It's almost as annoying as thinking you know someone because of what they post.




And then there is the childish name calling.


Make your mind up, man.



Anyway, all that aside, thanks, sincerely, for introducing me to the magnificent term; "gob-rot" I trust you won't object if I use it myself when talking to some idiot on here will you?

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We seem to have a couple of unruly children here.


Go in the corner and have a word with yourselves :D


No point 'cos of what Dragon said in #71 and the fact that I couldn't discipline a soporific slug.

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No point 'cos of what Dragon said in #71 and the fact that I couldn't discipline a soporific slug.


I'm not going to quote your whole diatribe. Suffice to say that you have not made a very good case to support your claim that schools have effective diciplines.

In my opinion your excellent schools were probably excellent in the dicipline department because they never had pupils that required any real dicipline.

I asked aside from detention, exclusion and expulsion what else is available for use against unruly children and you offered .... nothing.

In fact - your whole post has contained nothing really, other than some wild theory that I am filled with hatred and bile. Just shows how little you know.



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