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Teacher acquitted of attempted murder

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I'm not going to quote your whole diatribe.


Course not because it shows you to be incorrect and self-contradictory.


Suffice to say that you have not made a very good case to support your claim that schools have effective diciplines.



Listen, Dragon, I have no desire to go round in circles with this. Go back and have a look. My first post remains factually correct. You attacked it. It's still factually correct. I know this and have no desire to try to convince you or anybody else this is so.


In a nutshell, whether you believe it or not, I have worked in schools with good discipline and schools with poor discipline. I have stated why I think succesful schools are successful.



In my opinion your excellent schools were probably excellent in the dicipline department because they never had pupils that required any real dicipline.


OK ... you've raised this and the point below a number of times. I apologise for not answering these earlier ... I had only intended to challenge your general position, not get involved in individual points.


It is a fair point and it is undeniable that the attitude of the students is a factor in the success of discipline systems but ... and it's a big but .. I have seen kids in a lesson behaving impeccably and then, minutes later acting atrociously in another lesson with a different teacher. Why do you think that is?


You have kids ... you know they'll play up if allowed to and will always push to the boundary...


I asked aside from detention, exclusion and expulsion what else is available for use against unruly children and you offered .... nothing.


Fair enough. I did offer nothing but that's because that's about all there is available, apart from the threat of parental contact and my own personality. Used effectively, though, they do the job well enough. That you refuse to accept this is so does not render it false and reflects poorly upon you.

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On topic content:


There are plenty of schools with excellent discipline without the need to return to corporal punishment. Yes, parental support is essential but it also requires a strong management team and clear, adhered to, policies.


This is the part I was chuckling at. The whole point of my debate with you has not been about whether you are a good teacher or not. It has been about the fact that current punishments in schools are only affective if they deter or punish a child. This does not appear to be the case in most schools - note that I said most and not all.

It does not matter how strong the management team or how clear etc the policies - if you get a child you cannot control then all you can do is expel that child - thus moving the problem away from your school. This is great as it means schools can simply shift the problem and claim an excellent discipline record.


It is not a personal thing against you or any individual teacher.

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