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Is a holiday to Greece a good idea now?

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3 people are reported to have been killed after protestors set fire to a bank in Athens.


Sadly Athens is burning quite literally.


I can't help feel that those 3 people have died needlessly since the government of Greece has no choice but to take harsh economic measures other wise Germany won't bail them out.


Let's hope Portugal doesn't go the same way.

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Sadly Athens is burning quite literally.


I can't help feel that those 3 people have died needlessly since the government of Greece has no choice but to take harsh economic measures other wise Germany won't bail then out.


Lets hope Portugal doesn't go the same way.


....and Spain....and the UK :(

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In answer to the original question, Is a holiday to Greece a good idea right now?


Given the current situation, with Athens literally burning and people dieing It's a definite "NO".


Whilst the Greeks won't turn away your money, at the same time you can't be too sure how the "man in the street" will react to seeing tourists enjoying themselves in their country whilst their capital burns.

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