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Belgium votes to ban burka

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Sorry fella, it's an old thread, I didnt check back at the previous posts.


All I'm supporting is their 'right' to wear it or not wear it, not the religion they subscribe to.


If this were a thread about Nuns being banned from wearing their headresses then I'd be fully supporting their right to do so.


You mean you could not be bothered to read the post I made about 5 minutes prior to the one you did read, but decided to comment anyhow? Fair enough.


It is not just a question of their right to wear what they want. It is a question of what is right for one should be right for all. So those people who have been refused entry to a shop because they wear hoodies, or because they refuse to remove their crash helmets, should have a right to compensation because their rights were impinged upon?

And when those people with their faces hidden go into a supermarket and shoplift - and cannot be identified on security cameras - that's okay as long as we do not impinge on their rights to wear what they want.


But we have been through this before, or I am having strong deja vu, and the argument never changes. We should all bow down and accept the ways of others because we are such an open and accepting country - and that is sarcasm.

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That may be so, but I've no interest in Islam, merely the freedoms of the individuals who abide by it to wear the clothes they want to wear, I think banning it because it's a religious diktat or imposed on some women by some men, is a weak argument, as it replaces one compunction with another imposed by us.


The case of Mustaf Jama.

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You mean you could not be bothered to read the post I made about 5 minutes prior to the one you did read, but decided to comment anyhow? Fair enough.
It was that post I suggested wasn't relevant to this thread (about Belgium banning the burka), I assumed, from the nature of your reply, that you'd made a previous contribution about the knife wearing.
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  • 3 weeks later...


yes i think i would. as it TO ME is a symbol of oppression of women.


however im not totally set in my opinion.


What about women that want to wear them, would your oppress their freedom to wear the burka?

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yes for the greater good, as i think far more are forced to wear it.


I'm with you. Fiona Philips and Lorraine Kelly should be forced to wear it, who wants to watch these ugly bints in the morning I get morning sickness from watching them Thankfully the delightful Fiona has gone before she was pushed, but she should still wear a burqa in case anyone on the school run should encounter her.

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