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Smacking your child

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how can they say that smacking your child will soon be against the law i dont me beating them just a smacked bottom when they are teachers getting away with beating the living daylights out of a pupil with a dumb bell it stinks its 1 rule for 1 and another rule for another

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......... getting away with .........


Check your facts.


Guilty of grievous bodily harm and has spent 8 months in custody while on remand, which has led the judge to say that additional sentencing is likely to be a community order.

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I'm sorry but how do they expect parents to tell their children off. A slap on the bum or the hands, not a hard one but enough to tell them that whenever they go for something they arent supposed to they are going to get a tap on the hand and it'll put them off doing it. I used to get slapped legs when i was younger and it kept me in line, my partner used to get a leather pad across his backside if he mis behaved (although would never dream of that now)...we're talking about tapping our kids to tell them off not beating them around!

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A smack on the bum is fine as far as I'm concernced.


I'm around kids all the time and it's always the parents who

don't believe in smacking who are sly horrible little sods. Not all, but some.


I think this worlds gone mad I really do.


My friend once smacked her 3yr old on the bum in asda for being naughty and the look this woman gave her was unreal!!!! Years ago no one would have batted an eyelid!

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ty reasoning with a child who had adhd then tell me belive me its not that simple



I know 4 kids who developed ADHD and their parents were ones who didn't believe in smacking!


I know it's not always the case but it's something which has always stood out to me!

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