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Smacking your child

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and beating them is the alternative?


Your definition of beating is weird.


Tell you what - I won't tell you how to live your life - you don't tell me how to raise my children. Sounds fair to me.


And most of the kids I know who are little terrors are the ones whose parents sit down and talk to them and explain to them why they are being naughty - as if the child does not know.

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Try reasoning with a two year old whose demanding sweets or throwing a strop or even hitting you. I would never paste my child as we used to have when we were younger im talking about a tap on the hand and a firm "no"


I wonder how he learned to do that?? It should have never have gotten to that stage. Childen copy and 'lean' from their parents. When you have a child that child should come first. It is your responsibility to teach, nurture and care for that child until it reaches adulthood. The trouble with a lot of parents I see today while out shopping, you know the ones we've all seen them on their mobiles chatting to friends while slapping their kids for walking too slow or for screaming and even crying, Oh yes if you don't shop crying I'll slap you again ..maybe that will stop you?? Why be bothered to find out why a child is crying or behaving it that way when smacking is a quick and easy way to shut them up. It's far easier for them to scare their childen by hurting them instead of learning them.

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I wonder how he learned to do that?? It should have never have gotten to that stage. Childen copy and 'lean' from their parents. When you have a child that child should come first. It is your responsibility to teach, nurture and care for that child until it reaches adulthood. The trouble with a lot of parents I see today while out shopping, you know the ones we've all seen them on their mobiles chatting to friends while slapping their kids for walking too slow or for screaming and even crying, Oh yes if you don't shop crying I'll slap you again ..maybe that will stop you?? Why be bothered to find out why a child is crying or behaving it that way when smacking is a quick and easy way to shut them up. It's far easier for them to scare their childen by hurting them instead of learning them.


Or even teaching them. :hihi:


But this is the sort of rot that is eroding the country :gag:


Seriously though - Does it not appear that the more we concern ourselves with explaining the meaning of life, the universe and everything to a three year old, the worse kids behave?


There is a saying "Spare the rod, spoil the child". I would not condone beating a child but really - if you think it is as simple as children learning everything from their parents then I will never understand you. Most children learn from seeing and experimenting. This hammer hurts me if I hit myself with it - think I'll see if it hurts when I hit my mum with it - she's crying so it must have hurt - she's telling me it hurt and I should not do it - wonder if it will hurt my brother and what he will do ....

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i dont mean smacking them for stupid things like walking 2 slow or basically being a child i mean if the child doe's something wrong like break somthing that dont belong them or if they hit another child then in those circumstances i do agree with it

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i think its down to the parents not being able to give stern discipline that the majority of children are very bad nawadays children walk all over an adult they see the law as beneath them and can do as they please a good talking to is not usually the right way about it when we were kids a smacked arse made you realise you wernt to do it again and kids today are short of it, in my opinion. i raise my voice at mine they get the stern look and they no when not to push me my youngest gets away with alot but he knows not to push it to get a smacked arse.my nan use to say u knock 1 devil out and 2 back in giving a child a smack and i suppose its down to the child and the company they keep if you give your child the respect they will respect you back give it em on a plate and they want more and will take it with out it being offered.

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Reading through the posts, it seems no-one advocates "beating" children, just a "little" smack or tap???? Well if it's just a tap or smack then that's not a deterent is it???? So why bother?

I have raised two kids, neither have had so much as a tap. Both now teenagers, happy and outgoing and great confidence, I know it's not over yet as teenage years can be difficult, but so far, not hitting them doesn't seem to have done them any harm.

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