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Tony Blair v Nick Clegg.

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Tony Blair could have been one of the best Prime Ministers that we've ever had.


But, unfortunately for Tony, he was dragged into a war by a nutcase American President called George Bush. I sympathize with Tony, we could never afford to cross swords with America.


Nick Clegg could now become one of the best Prime Ministers that we have ever had.

It's a case of Buy One - Get One Free.

Elect Nick and get Vince Cable as a free bonus for fairness.


We are heading for some very difficult times and we'll have to take some rough medicine. The rich are much better able to make a more realistic contribution towards our woes.


David Cameron won't touch them - Vinny Cable will.


The system is broken. That's why we should switch from Labour to LibDem.




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Tony Blair could have been one of the best Prime Ministers that we've ever had.


But, unfortunately for Tony, he was dragged into a war by a nutcase American President called George Bush. I sympathize with Tony, we could never afford to cross swords with America.


Nick Clegg could now become one of the best Prime Ministers that we have ever had.

It's a case of Buy One - Get One Free.

Elect Nick and get Vince Cable as a free bonus for fairness.


We are heading for some very difficult times and we'll have to take some rough medicine. The rich are much better able to make a more realistic contribution towards our woes.


David Cameron won't touch them - Vinny Cable will.


The system is broken. That's why we should switch from Labour to LibDem.





I agree and have done. I even have a Lib Dem poster in my car.


The only thing I am worried about is that the party who wins this coming election is going to be very unpopular. Perhaps a Tory win may be better in the long run. They will then become so unpopular that they will be out of office for generations, which will be a very good thing for everyone except the very rich. :)

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I agree and have done. I even have a Lib Dem poster in my car.


The only thing I am worried about is that the party who wins this coming election is going to be very unpopular. Perhaps a Tory win may be better in the long run. They will then become so unpopular that they will be out of office for generations, which will be a very good thing for everyone except the very rich. :)


being unpopular never really stopped Thatcher from being reelected several times

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That was the main difference between Thatcher and Blair.


The former didn't care what people thought of her and her actions but the latter certainly did (style over substance and all that).


It's time for change, that's for sure. Anyone but Labour, a tired looking party who are bereft of any ideas and seem to have just about given up. The Tories went the same way in the mid 1990s and the country needed a lift and change in direction.


We may not see Labour back in power for ten, twenty years but you can bet your life on it that whoever seizes power next week will, like the present Labour party, become stale, tired and out of sorts.


I know who I'm voting for and if the LibDems get in, then it'll be a case of my saying "Well, why not?"

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The only thing I am worried about is that the party who wins this coming election is going to be very unpopular. Perhaps a Tory win may be better in the long run. They will then become so unpopular that they will be out of office for generations.


I agree - but we all know that hard times are yet to come. It's unavoidable.


I am hoping that the LibDems will run the country.


They will be open, fair and realistic. They deserve a chance.


We will all have to pay more tax to sort out the national debt.


It's just a case of who pays what. The rich and powerful or the not so rich.




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It's time for change, that's for sure. Anyone but Labour, a tired looking party who are bereft of any ideas and seem to have just about given up. The Tories went the same way in the mid 1990s and the country needed a lift and change in direction.


We may not see Labour back in power for ten, twenty years but you can bet your life on it that whoever ceases power next week will, like the present Labour party, become stale, tired and out of sorts.



I think any party suffers from being in power to long eventually they run out of steam.


one of the consequences of the first past the post system is that its not that hard to produce a landslide and once in it takes 2 or 3 elections to get them out.

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Being unpopular never really stopped Thatcher

from being re-elected several times


There was no viable alternative.


Now there is - Prime Minister Nick Clegg and Chancellor Vinny Cable.


Freshness & Fairness.




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There was no viable alternative.


Now there is - Prime Minister Nick Clegg and Chancellor Vinny Cable.


Freshness & Fairness.





The jury is out regarding Clegg (he's too clean for a PM; there's trouble lurking, surely) but I admire Cable greatly.


Let's be honest, Old Vince is everyone's idea of the perfect Uncle who sticks a 50 pence piece in yer birthday card.:hihi:

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I do believe Nick Clegg has the ideas and the will to carry them out. I also believe Vince Cable is by far the best candidate for chancellor.


Sadly their insistance on taking us further into europe and onto the Euro means I just can't vote for them

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I agree and have done. I even have a Lib Dem poster in my car.


The only thing I am worried about is that the party who wins this coming election is going to be very unpopular. Perhaps a Tory win may be better in the long run. They will then become so unpopular that they will be out of office for generations, which will be a very good thing for everyone except the very rich. :)


Perhaps it would be a good idea to re-elect Labour. They got the country into the mess; let's see them get the country out of it.


After Wilson and Callaghan dug a deep hole in the 70s, dropped the country in it and were booted out of power, I thought: "At last that's over! Hopefully, we'll never see a repeat."


People have short memories. Blair and Brown make Wilson and Callaghan look almost competent. - The hole they've dropped the country into is far deeper and nobody seems to have a plan to stop digging.

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