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Tony Blair v Nick Clegg.

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I think any party suffers from being in power to long eventually they run out of steam.



I agree - General Elections should be held every

four years on the first Thursday in May.




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Perhaps it would be a good idea to re-elect Labour. They got the country into the mess; let's see them get the country out of it.


After Wilson and Callaghan dug a deep hole in the 70s, dropped the country in it and were booted out of power, I thought: "At last that's over! Hopefully, we'll never see a repeat."


People have short memories. Blair and Brown make Wilson and Callaghan look almost competent. - The hole they've dropped the country into is far deeper and nobody seems to have a plan to stop digging.

Thats a risky game! What if they really are as useless as they appear to be and just make things worse?
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Unfortunately, due to the first past the post system and electoral boundaries the Lib Dems will never be the majority party. They will only be a partner to one of the main parties so this really is the only election in modern times where a tactical vote for them may have a completely opposite effect to the one intended. When you vote Lib Dem you will either get a Tory or Labour government.


I feel sorry for the Lib Dems as whichever minority government they choose to support following the election, when the next election comes along their supporters will defect in droves. The last time the Liberals formed a coalition with one of the other parties they lost nearly 2/3rds of their seats at the next election. This due to their supporters being disillusioned with their leaders getting into bed with the opposition.

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Sadly their insistance on taking us further into europe and onto the Euro means I just can't vote for them


they wouldn't join the euro without a referendum and they acknowledge now would not be a good time.


being more involved in europe might not be such a bad thing, if we fully committed to it then we'd stand a much better chance of changing it so that it works

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they wouldn't join the euro without a referendum and they acknowledge now would not be a good time.


being more involved in europe might not be such a bad thing, if we fully committed to it then we'd stand a much better chance of changing it so that it works

Or it might be the worse thing we ever did. The Euro is failing right now, if its failing right now then it'll probably fail in the future. What they're asking of the Euro is just too much it can't possibly work in the long run
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Unfortunately, due to the first past the post system and electoral boundaries the Lib Dems will never be the majority party...


Why do you say that? If more people vote Lib Dem than vote for the second place party in any constituency, the Lib Dems will take the seat. If that happens in the majority of constituencies, they will take the majority of seats.


If the Lib Dems can't persuade people to vote for them, why should they be the majority party?

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Sadly their insistance on taking us further into Europe and

onto the Euro means I just can't vote for them.


That's not exactly true.


Nick Clegg is very experienced in Europe and is very well known

and respected over there. He knows how to fight for us over there.


Euro safeguards are in place and tough criterior has to be met.


Above all - Nick cannot adopt Euro unless we vote for the Euro.


As an added bonus - the Americans just love Vince Cable.

They actually want him over there.







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