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Tony Blair v Nick Clegg.

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Tony has just phoned me up and given me a right rollocking for opening my big mouth.


But I just can't resist...


He also told me that someone called Alan Johnson is taking over the Labour Party but they're a bit hissed off because this Alan bloke will only be allowed to ask Nick two questions at next season's Prime Ministers Question Time.




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That's sounds all very cosy, but with all three parties having their own ideas about how best to proceed in getting us out of the huge deficit we face, then you will get huge disagreement, which either leads to half measures and compromise, or no measures being passed as no agreement being met.

And that's probably the last thing the country needs at the moment, indecisiveness.


This is very possible of course, and no doubt both Labour and Conservatives will be wanting the Lib Dems to fall flat on their faces, so it will be interesting to see if they are able to put country before party - and we will remember if their bickering leads to a financial fiasco and a second General election when the Lib Dems have held out an olive branch...


But all parties are agreed that we are in a parlous state at the moment and draconian measures are necessary, whichever party is in power.

Will any one party really want to be held responsible for that, and probably become unelectable for years?


Surely they will see that a joint venture is actually in their own interests as well as the country's.

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That's my point - and I disagree with you.


Saying NO to America is not easy. Our defence relies on them.


"You're either with us or against us."





So you support a war that was based on LIES AND DECETE, too many lives, military and civillian were lost due to the lies told by these two war mongeres, had there been any truth in the wepons of mass destructions fair enough but there was'nt any, so both Blair and Bush should be held accountable for their actions. As for our defence relies on the Americans i disagree with you, we are now part of Europe and thats where out defence should be relied upon.

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Tony Blair could have been one of the best Prime Ministers that we've ever had.


But, unfortunately for Tony, he was dragged into a war by a nutcase American President called George Bush. I sympathize with Tony, we could never afford to cross swords with America.


Nick Clegg could now become one of the best Prime Ministers that we have ever had.

It's a case of Buy One - Get One Free.

Elect Nick and get Vince Cable as a free bonus for fairness.


We are heading for some very difficult times and we'll have to take some rough medicine. The rich are much better able to make a more realistic contribution towards our woes.


David Cameron won't touch them - Vinny Cable will.


The system is broken. That's why we should switch from Labour to LibDem.




Cleggs wife.


Personal life


González Durántez dated Clegg for several years in Brussels before he proposed. They married in 2000 and have three young children: Antonio, Alberto and Miguel. She insisted on Spanish names if they were to have the English family name "Clegg." She is Roman Catholic, unlike her husband who is an atheist. Her children are being raised in the Roman Catholic faith.[8][9][10]

[edit]2010 UK General Election campaign


With Sarah Brown and Samantha Cameron becoming increasingly involved in the media and 2010 United Kingdom general election campaigns, the spotlight turned to Miriam González.

She publicly said that she would be "willing to help" with the campaign, but that unlike Samantha Cameron, she would be unable to take time from work and her family life to take part.[11] Asked by a Spanish newspaper, Miriam González said that she would quit her job if her husband became Prime Minister.[12]

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