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Making Assumptions

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Anyone else get wound up when people make assumptions rather than actually read what you put? It happens a lot on forums probably because of the lack of other indicators you might get from a face to face discussion. I find it a pain having to clarify what I said over and over because people have assumed something based on what other people normally say rather than what I actually said.



Person 1 - Lots of people who choose not to work and live their life on benefits have little self respect and are often guilty of anti-social behaviour.


Person 2 - My mate Dave is on benefits because he got sacked and has applied for 59 jobs in the last week. Why are you calling him a chav?


Person 1 - :rolleyes:



Just me then! :hihi:

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Anyone else get wound up when people make assumptions rather than actually read what you put? It happens a lot on forums probably because of the lack of other indicators you might get from a face to face discussion. I find it a pain having to clarify what I said over and over because people have assumed something based on what other people normally say rather than what I actually said.



Person 1 - Lots of people who choose not to work and live their life on benefits have little self respect and are often guilty of anti-social behaviour.


Person 2 - My mate Dave is on benefits because he got sacked and has applied for 59 jobs in the last week. Why are you calling him a chav?


Person 1 - :rolleyes:



Just me then! :hihi:


No. Not just you.



Here's my recent favourite:


Person 1 (in response to somebody suggesting that unauthorised weapons found in police lockers may have been confiscated from criminals rather than for the police officers' personal use): "Was it SOP back then for police to store confiscated weaponry in their personal lockers? "


Person 2: "So you admit that they had been confiscated from the likes of rioter Blair Peach and his mates?"


Mad as a box of frogs.

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There are no end of members on here that just want an argument and purposely miss quote or even just put words into their posts inferring that you have said something that you havnt.


It will always happen and you just have to ignore it otherwise if you reply back in the same frame, they then report you and its off on a holiday for a day or two for ya ? :D

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There are no end of members on here that just want an argument and purposely miss quote or even just put words into their posts inferring that you have said something that you havnt.


It will always happen and you just have to ignore it otherwise if you reply back in the same frame, they then report you and its off on a holiday for a day or two for ya ? :D


Equally, there are members who can have a good old ding-dong and end up offering to buy each other a pint.... ;)

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Equally, there are members who can have a good old ding-dong and end up offering to buy each other a pint.... ;)


Its what its all about :D


By the way I started off at the bottom of West Street on SGD but never got as far as the Green :roll:


maybe next time :D

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Anyone else get wound up when people make assumptions rather than actually read what you put? It happens a lot on forums probably because of the lack of other indicators you might get from a face to face discussion. I find it a pain having to clarify what I said over and over because people have assumed something based on what other people normally say rather than what I actually said.



Person 1 - Lots of people who choose not to work and live their life on benefits have little self respect and are often guilty of anti-social behaviour.


Person 2 - My mate Dave is on benefits because he got sacked and has applied for 59 jobs in the last week. Why are you calling him a chav?


Person 1 - :rolleyes:



Just me then ! :hihi:

What do you mean Dave isn't in a job because of the Immigrants ? Why don't you get off your arse and get a job then ?


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Ha Ha.


I've got another one!


Person1: I've seen good discipline in schools.


Person 2: explain these miraculous dicipline procedures that have made all the schools you have worked in so perfect. I am certain many other schools would like to benefit from your great wisdom in solving all their problems

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Ha Ha.


I've got another one!


Person1: I've seen good discipline in schools.


Person 2: explain these miraculous dicipline procedures that have made all the schools you have worked in so perfect. I am certain many other schools would like to benefit from your great wisdom in solving all their problems


And did you? Did you like hell. You just went spouting rubbish when you was asked a reasonable question as to what good dicipline you had seen.


Hey ho! It's all good fun aint it ;)

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