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How do you choose music

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Change from all the political stuff.


To start with I am going out on a limb here as I have no proof to back up this statement, but I'm going to risk it anyhow - We all have our favourite type of music.


So you listen to a particular group most of the time - how do you find if you like a different group, or even different type of music? Do you get suggestions from other people; happen to catch part of a song being played somewhere and think - "Ooo that sounds good"; just browse different groups all the time in search of those that sound okay; or something else.


I'm genuinely interested in how you choose what you will listen to.

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I'm genuinely interested in how you choose what you will listen to.


Years of experimenting, trying different things. Of course other people are a big influence as well... my friends have introduced me to certain people/ groups I'd never heard of before. My brother is into a lot of obscure bands that I'd probably never have discovered myself.

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You don't particularly go for any interesting CD covers then? (And then find out the music is not to your tastes usually in my case).


LOL! NO! That's dumb man :hihi::hihi::hihi:. Ohhh pretty cover... must buy it lol!














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No need to appologise. I have done some pretty dumb things of which buying a CD because I liked the cover is just one.


Do you find it annoying when you buy a CD and find there is only one track on there that you actually enjoy?

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No need to appologise. I have done some pretty dumb things of which buying a CD because I liked the cover is just one.


Do you find it annoying when you buy a CD and find there is only one track on there that you actually enjoy?


I don't think it's ever happened. I check out the tracks before I buy the album... also, I haven't bought an actual CD since about 2002. :hihi:

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Actually, I bought about 50% of the records I used to buy that way and I don't think I ever bought a single thing I didn't like. Although I did tend to buy them all from Kenny's Records on the Whicker and all from the Rock'n'Roll side of the shop.


I had less success buying follow up records by bands whose first record I'd like. A lot of follow ups never had the quality of the first.

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Recommendations mostly. And not just from people I've found that sometime's Itunes recommendations are brilliant, that's how I discovered a couple of my favorite bands.


Also magazines, I've discovered quite a few bands and guitarists from Total Guitar magazine.


I've never bought anything because of an interesting cover.

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Recommendations mostly. And not just from people I've found that sometime's Itunes recommendations are brilliant, that's how I discovered a couple of my favorite bands.


Also magazines, I've discovered quite a few bands and guitarists from Total Guitar magazine.


I've never bought anything because of an interesting cover.


Can we just get over the fact that I'm an idiot okay? :hihi:

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