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Aerial Photos - Possible early landscape

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I would guess at a farm and that it's not that old - in many parts of the country that would be seventeenth/eighteenth/ nineteenth century? Of course what it is (and its age) depends on where as some of those farmsites are significantly older (twelfth/ thirteenth century and onwards). I do agree that it looks like you have a nice associated field system.


EDIT - I find it very interesting though that the modern field system is on a completely different alignment, which does argue that it is older than it first looks as I would have expected if it was a farm site that there would be some impact on the modern field system.


If you are seriously interested in this I would guess that you need to look and see if/ when the area was 'enclosed'. And what was supposedly there before. Do the two match, because it normally takes something major to change a field pattern so completely. Just a theory! I'll shut up now.

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I know that the present field system existed in 1800....and ive only found 800 yards of two field boundries that relates to the same alignment. So it points to an early field system. Whats also interesting is if this was connected in a larger field system, there should be more crop marks of the same ilk, ...but ive only found small pockets, and they are all different. Such as




Im very interested in it all, I soooo like maps and aerials. :)

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Cheers for that.......so far, north of the area, there are bronze age barrows, iron age finds, field work marks etc.....nothing near where the crop marks ive found.


Edit.....found it......


"The cropmarks of a complex of conjoined rectilinear enclosures, an associated trackway and boundaries are visible on air photographs and probably represent settlement of Iron Age and Roman date"


edit: it doesnt mentioned other cropmarks.

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It would be an idea to put a small trench in and see what type of pot sherds (if any) there are. Many years ago when I was starting in archaeology I found what I thought was an RB site near Monsal and just to be sure I asked a professional archaeologist and assistant to verify it. They both said 'late medaeval at best'. Just to satisfy myself I started a small trench and in the first turf was Derbyshire ware and a Samian sherd so don't give up keep on looking,

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