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Marquis of Granby Disco.

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Is it still boarded up like it was in 2006?


What part of Bamford - anywhere near Shatton Bridge?


Not boarded up anymore as they have knocked it all down now apart from the building in the middle, Still looks an eyesore nothing really happening with it apart from they have built a wall around where they have been digging. Yes it's the pub near Shatton, opposite the petrol statiohn

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A planning application of 2006 here for holiday apartments was apparently approved subject to conditions, but last year The Star carried an article here about the Hilton hotel project. As Labyrinth wrote, the demolition has gone ahead apart from the (presumably listed) central part and no construction has yet begun apart from a (very nicely built) drystone perimeter wall. Maybe it's the downturn in the economy that is the reason for the lack of progress. I find it hard to agree with the developer's statement, as reported in The Star, that a new hotel will "give a heart to the Hope Valley" but anything might be better than the present mess.

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A bit before your times ? There is a pub on the way to Castleton in the area of the Marquis of Granby, I forget the name, but it stands looking down the road to Bradwell. In the 50's a neighbour took us kids in the car to Castleton, it was a beautiful 1930's Armstrong Siddley. As he was passing this pub he had to swerve for another car and ran into the stone windowsill of the pub, does the chunck it took out still show ?

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... There is a pub on the way to Castleton in the area of the Marquis of Granby, I forget the name, but it stands looking down the road to Bradwell...
That's the Traveller's Rest.
...had to swerve for another car and ran into the stone windowsill of the pub, does the chunck it took out still show?
To judge from the Google Earth street-level photo there's still a bit missing from the window sill!.:)
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I remember a night in 1974 when there was a punchup from hell. It was like a scene from a Wild West saloon, with people sliding across the floor into tables, and then getting clouted with chairs over the head. I believe that the disc jockey was taken to Hospital.


Someone later said that it was the Firth Brown lads.


A bit embarrassing as I was showing this place to my now brother in law (a Southerner) as an example of a nice night out near Sheffield.


Was anyone on here there that night ???

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I remember a night in 1974 when there was a punchup from hell. It was like a scene from a Wild West saloon, with people sliding across the floor into tables, and then getting clouted with chairs over the head. I believe that the disc jockey was taken to Hospital.


Someone later said that it was the Firth Brown lads.


A bit embarrassing as I was showing this place to my now brother in law (a Southerner) as an example of a nice night out near Sheffield.


Was anyone on here there that night ???


We didn't start it ! I remember giving my pint pot, the chunky type with a handle, to a chap I thought was a glass collector. He wandered across the dance floor to his mates and stood grinning at us.


You could hear the banjoes tuning up.


At this moment our numbers were a bit low, as a tranny van full had just escorted some young ladies home.


Just like in the movies the cavalary arrived and a good time was had by all.


Loved the place ....... the Haychatters mob weren't to keen on us ...:hihi: :hihi:

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