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Latest poll puts Lib Dems in third place

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I think that it could be a case of people liking Nick Clegg, but not liking his policies.


I think though, some people might see him as a little arrogant, having tasted early success in the first debate, he seemed almost too confident and looked as if he was on a power trip about his ability to hold the balance of power, with reference to his BBC Andrew Marr interview coalition related comments ,and the subsequent "flip flopping" about what he actually meant.


His proclamation that it is now a two horse race between the Conservatives and Lib Dems also indicates this trait.


So I'm not sure that people "like" Clegg quite as much as when he was the "unknown" new boy in the first debate.

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The Conservatives wont get a majority though. There has hardly been a single poll that suggests that as a possibility.


This is an interesting read in today's Independent, towards the end of the article they show the comments from the heads of 7 different polling companies ,and 3 of them ,Harris, Populus, & Opinion Research Business now predict a Conservative majority win.



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Anyone who cant see that sky news is very pro Conservative is blind


Not sure who is blind to that fact.


Anyone that watches Skynews will know that their "sister" Channel is FoxNews, also owned by Murdoch.


SkyNews isn't anywhere near as bad as FoxNews though, "Fair & Balanced":hihi:

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