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Metalheads where are you?


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I may have to re-activate my old dream of establishing a new rock-bar/club in Sheffield.....its just finding the time to do it because it would swallow so much of it.....the market is crying out for more rock/alt pubs/club-nights.....yes, time to put some feelers out again......renewed vigour and all that.:heyhey: :heyhey:

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The Moorfoot is definitely closer than The White Bear or Horse and Jockey so I may amble down one evening. The main problem I find nowadays is so many of the rockers my age are now married with two kids and a civilised social life [bottle of wine with tennis club pals] so they wont frequent rock venues. I suspect it makes them feel old and past it but I still enjoy a rock environment as long as it's not impossibly loud, that's not an age thing it's just my personal preference and always has been. So although I know the Moorfoot is a fairly large pub how would people describe the noise level?

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I control the noise level at the Moorfoot on Saturdays. It's loud as rock ought to be, but not unbearable. You can still talk and be heard.


As for age. As a thirty something myself, I've noticed on the Buffy Roadshow that most of the crowd tend to be thirty something plus. Worry not :cool:

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First night out at the Moorfoot last Saturday with my mate little Jackie and I must admit I was well impressed. Great music/DJ, Plenty of cheap beer on the flow and the location was spot on..:thumbsup:

A lot better then Cha Cha’s which I thought was way too big and badly positioned.

Needless to say I’ll be there again next weekend, rockin’ my ass off, bye bye Nelson’s

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In view of the positive posts I'll have a wander down to the Tavern one Saturday soon. I'm a bit of a stick in the mud when it comes to my saturday nights as there aren't many places I feel comfortable when I'm glammed up.

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