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Gu N play In Front Ot buses.

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Was something my Daddy said to me quite often when I was a tousle headed little cherub on the Cross in the 60s.


For non Sheffielders and people who consider themselves too posh to understand, I`ll translate for you.


`Gu N play in front ot buses` Means `Go and play in front of the buses`


I was also asked on frequent occasions to `Float!` or `Tek thi `ook!` and when I was Ill, I wasnt really ill, I was `Badly.`


I didnt have ribs or a gut, I had `Rops` and I was often told `I`ll stuff this into thi rops if tha dunt Be-Ave!` by my mummy as she waved the kitchen knife in my direction.


I now live in Leicestershire and enjoy using these sayings simply to confound the locals here and the closest saying they have to anything Ive heared is `Go and play on the motorway!`


Mind you, they dont say `Mester` or `Mister` here, they call men `Master`-- which gives me a nice warm herrenvolk feeling in my tummy when someone says `Excuse me, master, can you tell me the time, please?`


I like that, I like being called Master... Yeah...


Anyway, Ive forgotten what I was leading up to now because as Im typing Im being ordered by my OH to go and help in the kitchen.... So much for master, eh?

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I remember `Tek yer `ook` and `Off `t ooks`, one meaning bugger off and the other meaning Illness. ` `Es off t` ooks` or `Badly`


Im gonna google the Hook thing to try to find out its origins. I thought that Off the hooks meant out of trouble.

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Just remembered `A good hiding` when you were smacked or threatened with a smack... `I`ll gi thee a bloody good `idin in a minute!`


Or.. `I`ll gi thi sum fist!` or ` A fistin!` ....come to think of it.... offering to give someone a fisting.... I suppose that wouldnt be taken in the same way today...

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what else did our Mum used to say?


if we shouted "Muuuum!" she's say "I've run off wi' a black man!" or "I'm changing my fuffing name. To dad!!"


If we asked for a drink of pop, she's tell us to have some water.

"But I don't want water!", We'd protest.

"Tha Can 'Ave watter. It's what meks't lions roar!"

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