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Why are people bothered about racist remarks aimed at them ?

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And what about your continuous name calling, which in effect is what this thread is all about.


It may be your thread, but the original post makes no mention of me and I can't see how it could be construed it does.


Your original post however:


I have had racist remarks said to me when living in another country and it didnt bother me one bit, so why do certain people make a meal of it ?


Tries to make an equivalence between your own individual reactions to racist remarks made at you, extending them to people that have regular or daily experiences of them, to discount or discredit their experiences.


That places the blame on the victims for their reactions and amounts to an apology for bullying.


Is it a chance for the racist in themselves to come out and cause as much trouble as they can ?


You then conclude the original post with a classic case of double think.


Let's just take a deep breath and consider what you are suggesting.


People like this girl according to your worldview attempting suicide after their experiences of bullying would be the victims racist attempt to get revenge on the people perpetrating the bullying. :rolleyes:


The truth is posts like yours are the ones that are excuses for bullying and your question about motivations should be directed at yourself.

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8 perceptions related to Islamophobia, yes.


That is precisely what the list is. It is not however an attempt at a definition as Islamaphobia watch argued and as you repeated.


And I'll keep on repeating it because no matter how you twist the semantics or state that the original source is not to be believed it is indeed what the Runnymede Trust decided and it unbeknown to you ended up on your favourite website. Wikipedia. :hihi::hihi:


They are all examples of islamophobia so get used to it. :hihi:

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It may be your thread, but the original post makes no mention of me and I can't see how it could be construed it does.


Your original post however:




Tries to make an equivalence between your own individual reactions to racist remarks made at you, extending them to people that have regular or daily experiences of them, to discount or discredit their experiences.


That places the blame on the victims for their reactions and amounts to an apology for bullying.




You then conclude the original post with a classic case of double think.


Let's just take a deep breath and consider what you are suggesting.


People like this girl according to your worldview attempting suicide after their experiences of bullying would be the victims racist attempt to get revenge on the people perpetrating the bullying. :rolleyes:


The truth is posts like yours are the ones that are excuses for bullying and your question about motivations should be directed at yourself.


I have not looked at your link as I never do, I find your incessant linkings boring to say the least.


You also have a great ability to ignore questions that are asked of you, but instead try to then go on and tell other people what they have said/meant in their posts.

I do not see how my posts can be construed as excuses for bullying, you however are well known for your name calling, you cannot deny this as it is in black and white on this forum.


If you call someone a name, any name, then in my eyes it is no less a deal as being racist.

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If you call someone a name, any name, then in my eyes it is no less a deal as being racist.


So you equate calling someone an idiot, because of what they say or do, with calling someone a ni**er because of the colour of their skin?

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I thought it was donkey that was objecting to it? 'cheerleader' is a term used by a certain clique on here, the clique that contains most of the bullies as well, funnily enough. They're almost a flashmob the way they arrive, pile on and then disappear as quickly as they came!

Anyway much as I would love to sit here all day, debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, or pointing out the ironies in some people's view of the world, I must away!


*leaves, blowing air kisses to all participants* Have fun!


An alternate explaination is that new posters appear because of claims which are obviously ridiculous - such as that white people who have themselves experienced some type of bigotry are therefore qualified to dismiss out of hand the hardship caused by a lifetime of being subject to frequent racism. The challengers are met with evasion, irrelevances, changing the subject and sometimes outright lies. Anything other than answer the point raised. They realise there is no point in banging their heads against this wall of wilfull ignorance and exit the thread again.


If people are going to make posts which others might have good reason to object to, then its pretty obvious they are going to be challenged.

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He isn't as he's one of the bullies. "Islamophobia" being one of his favourites.


Here's the Runnymedes Trust's definition:- Note it has nothing to do with mental illness which any phobia would normally be defined under.


1) Islam is seen as a monolithic bloc, static and unresponsive to change.

2) Islam is seen as separate and 'other'. It does not have values in common with other cultures, is not affected by them and does not influence them.

3) Islam is seen as inferior to the West. It is seen as barbaric, irrational, primitive and sexist.

4) Islam is seen as violent, aggressive, threatening, supportive of terrorism and engaged in a 'clash of civilisations'.

5) Islam is seen as a political ideology and is used for political or military advantage.

6) Criticisms made of the West by Islam are rejected out of hand.

7) Hostility towards Islam is used to justify discriminatory practices towards Muslims and exclusion of Muslims from mainstream society.

8) Anti-Muslim hostility is seen as natural or normal.


Neither Wikipedia nor the Runnymede trust describe the list as a definition of Islamophobia.


Wikipedia describe them as perceptions related to Islamophobia and the Runnymede Trust describe them as examples of closed thinking indicative of Islamophobia.


In conclusion it seems to me that any criticism directed towards Islam is considered islamophobia.


The list doesn't prevent criticisms of hadiths and the koran either morally or historically.


Infact, each of the points made are in response to myths and misunderstandings about Islam. Factually incorrect perceptions.


The list does nothing to suppress atheist debate, in fact it enhances it by assisting and directing that debate towards arguments that may be legitimate rather than those that are not.

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I have not looked at your link as I never do, I find your incessant linkings boring to say the least.


You also have a great ability to ignore questions that are asked of you, but instead try to then go on and tell other people what they have said/meant in their posts.


I do not see how my posts can be construed as excuses for bullying, you however are well known for your name calling, you cannot deny this as it is in black and white on this forum.


If you call someone a name, any name, then in my eyes it is no less a deal as being racist.


So you calling my links "boring" or describing my posting "as name calling", or telling me the orginal post was about me..... is "no less a deal as being racist"?


Your hypocrisy is astounding. :hihi:

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So you equate calling someone an idiot, because of what they say or do, with calling someone a ni**er because of the colour of their skin?


Yes I do.


What gives someone the right to call anyone, anything in order to belittle them or make fun of them, or in order to bully them ?

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So you calling me boring is "no less a deal as being racist"?


Your hypocrisy is astounding. :hihi:


There you go again!


I said I find your links boring.


Why do you always quote people and try to tell them what they have said when in fact they have not.

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