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Why are people bothered about racist remarks aimed at them ?

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Well lads, I've enjoyed my couple of days over here, but, alas, all good things must come to an end :(


Its time now for me to get back to the Bored section :cry:


Hope to catch you all again :D


Bye :wave:


It's bad form to run away when your argument collapses!

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And assuming that Shims failed to answer me, I take it that he/she can't.

You got your answer. >>

The answer to both those questions is contained in the post I made that you've quoted and in your initial post. I'm not being evasive, simply, if you think about what is written in those posts you have the answers.

I'll make an assumption: that you are intelligent enough to deduce those answers for yourself if you read our posts (as I suggested) and to not need them spelt out for you. Of course this may only be productive for you if you genuinely want to know. I strongly suspect you are happy with your own ridiculous conclusion in post #1 and don't want to know any better.


Your mates taken a pasting from Ruby and others so your here to try and 'redress the balance'.

I don't actually have 'mates' on this forum. Do you? Perhaps just the previous alter egos that you've worn out on here. :hihi:


In what way has the poster you refer to given anyone a pasting? You seem easily impressed. I actually wrote my response to the original poster's disingenous garbage and your predictable enthusiasm for it before reading the subsequent pages of the thread. You guys may not like it but you're not hard to see through.

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Who said it only took a minute?

Ive been on loads of threads where you and your mate opperate the tag team maneuver.


Dont think so.

Definitely lying.

I've hardly been a significant presence on here of late. Your assertion is complete bull. We all know this. Many of us will know also why you're on this thread - you salivated when another ignorant poster suggested that victims of racism are actually the racists themselves (:roll:) and chirped in in agreement because this sort of nonsensical bigotry appeals to you and then you've hung around because some people who oppose racism have posted and you aren't very keen on anti-racists. :hihi:


Take it how you want.

As per usual your mate opens his or her trap without the slightest idea what hes going on about.

Funny really.

Basically, what I wrote is that people who claim to have experienced racial prejudice briefly and occasionally and with no adverse affects on their ongoing well-being are not the best people to inform as to whether racism should be taken seriously. Fairly obvious to most people I suspect. But then you're not 'most people'. :love:

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You may not have started any, but maybe you're guilty of sometimes carrying it on? :) I don't think I've ever seen you cry 'racist' just to try to shut people up, though, like others do.


I think you have a problem in that the main threads you choose to post on and some people who post with a similar pov do bully constantly and you've just got tarred with the same brush, unfortunately. Obviously, no-one is allowed to name and shame, but everyone knows who those people are, and some of them have posted on this thread.


It is quite funny that it's taken a bit of time for the word to get around and the 'heavyweights' to pile in. I mean, weren't we already at #121 before shims arrived? They must have been busy elsewhere ;)



I'm not desperately keen on all you insinuations RD and I'll explain why.


I'm not on here that often now but I've never seen anyone describe another as a 'racist' to, as you claim "shut them up". I have seen people being described as 'racist' only very occasionally and it has been because their posts display a racist way of thinking. The folks I've noticed here who are anti-racist (the only acceptable stance on the issue!) have shown themselves to be more than capable of defending their point of view without needing a special word to throw at these bigots. (I hope that you don't mind me calling a bigot a bigot, it seems pragmatic to me).


Surely, you must realise, also, that when one of the racists is called a racist, they'll do anything but shut up! The trolling little Hitlerite darlings attempt to milk it for all it's worth. (Not much, as theyll have already hung themselves in their previous posts. In a severe case they'll disappear for a while and come back later with a shiny new name, whereas the reasonable folks can survive for years on just the one iD). :hihi:


Wildcat obviously posts on topics that interest him, pretty much the same as the rest of us, so nothing remarkable there. If, as you speculate, he has been tarred with the wrong brush (ie. as a bully) then that is not his 'problem'. Is is the 'problem' of those who can't get their facts right! I'm not so sure that people cannot 'name and shame' / comment on the actions of others, I've seen it happen many, many times as well as abuse and name-calling. (Describing someone as a racist is not name-calling, it is a formal conclusion one draws from their flawed and hate-filled statements). I honestly believe it would be helpful to name who, in your opinion, the bullies on this thread are, rather than make the accusation, it's not an insult after all. If you were referring to me; fine. Certain types of people I am not tolerant of, nor do I believe they deserve such treatment.


What people choose to take notice of and comment on and what they pass over, can say quite a lot about them. I'll note that you refer to bullying from the 'left' persuasion but make no mention of trolling and prejudice from the 'right'. Still, you do see some (probably tongue-in-cheek) anti-gingerism as on a par with having to endure racism:


"This is just what I mean, people making a big thing about being being abused over skin colour, but making it a joke when it's about hair colour. It's all the same thing to me."


I guess I shouldn't worry about this. As you said: "I do get most of my information from posts on Sheffield Forum"


(So forgive me if I don't seem to take you too seriously!)




"It is quite funny that it's taken a bit of time for the word to get around and the 'heavyweights' to pile in. I mean, weren't we already at #121 before shims arrived? They must have been busy elsewhere ;)"


You're sniffing so hard for conspiracy that you're sounding totally preposterous here ^ ^


No word was sent to me! I found this thread of my own accord and made a point that I felt was important and missing, from a thread that is unpleasant, in that it is trying to play down racism. If this makes me a heavyweight, so be it. Regarding me making post #121, well, excuse me for living! I don't think anyone was expecting me to show up early, late, or even at all on this thread. Last time I was here I think I was writing about cars. And yes, I can be busy enough, often offline.


PS: I didn't realise the word 'cheerleader' had fallen out of common usage and was now only the preserve of an elite few (a certain 'clique' on Sheffield Forum). You certainly have your theories dontcha.

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I'm not desperately keen on all you insinuations RD and I'll explain why.


I'm not on here that often now but I've never seen anyone describe another as a 'racist' to, as you claim "shut them up". I have seen people being described as 'racist' only very occasionally and it has been because their posts display a racist way of thinking. The folks I've noticed here who are anti-racist (the only acceptable stance on the issue!) have shown themselves to be more than capable of defending their point of view without needing a special word to throw at these bigots. (I hope that you don't mind me calling a bigot a bigot, it seems pragmatic to me).


Surely, you must realise, also, that when one of the racists is called a racist, they'll do anything but shut up! The trolling little Hitlerite darlings attempt to milk it for all it's worth. (Not much, as theyll have already hung themselves in their previous posts. In a severe case they'll disappear for a while and come back later with a shiny new name, whereas the reasonable folks can survive for years on just the one iD). :hihi:


Wildcat obviously posts on topics that interest him, pretty much the same as the rest of us, so nothing remarkable there. If, as you speculate, he has been tarred with the wrong brush (ie. as a bully) then that is not his 'problem'. Is is the 'problem' of those who can't get their facts right! I'm not so sure that people cannot 'name and shame' / comment on the actions of others, I've seen it happen many, many times as well as abuse and name-calling. (Describing someone as a racist is not name-calling, it is a formal conclusion one draws from their flawed and hate-filled statements). I honestly believe it would be helpful to name who, in your opinion, the bullies on this thread are, rather than make the accusation, it's not an insult after all. If you were referring to me; fine. Certain types of people I am not tolerant of, nor do I believe they deserve such treatment.


What people choose to take notice of and comment on and what they pass over, can say quite a lot about them. I'll note that you refer to bullying from the 'left' persuasion but make no mention of trolling and prejudice from the 'right'. Still, you do see some (probably tongue-in-cheek) anti-gingerism as on a par with having to endure racism:


"This is just what I mean, people making a big thing about being being abused over skin colour, but making it a joke when it's about hair colour. It's all the same thing to me."


I guess I shouldn't worry about this. As you said: "I do get most of my information from posts on Sheffield Forum"


(So forgive me if I don't seem to take you too seriously!)




"It is quite funny that it's taken a bit of time for the word to get around and the 'heavyweights' to pile in. I mean, weren't we already at #121 before shims arrived? They must have been busy elsewhere ;)"


You're sniffing so hard for conspiracy that you're sounding totally preposterous here ^ ^


No word was sent to me! I found this thread of my own accord and made a point that I felt was important and missing, from a thread that is unpleasant, in that it is trying to play down racism. If this makes me a heavyweight, so be it. Regarding me making post #121, well, excuse me for living! I don't think anyone was expecting me to show up early, late, or even at all on this thread. Last time I was here I think I was writing about cars. And yes, I can be busy enough, often offline.


PS: I didn't realise the word 'cheerleader' had fallen out of common usage and was now only the preserve of an elite few (a certain 'clique' on Sheffield Forum). You certainly have your theories dontcha.


Personally I think you revealed a lot cracks in the paintwork with that one. Then again certain posters only have to open their mouths and the make-up begins to peel only to reveal the reality underneath.


I won't slap you on the back just in case you get further accused of having mates.


Disclaimer: I don't know this poster.

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yes, you said you can see no difference.


I've just explained the difference for you.


Actually I think this was his answer:


As it happens, no I can't and I can't even be bothered to look for any ;)


Quite happy to troll the forum to make light of people's experience of bullying, but runs away when asked for evidence.

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Do you have an example, or are you just engaging in a personal attack because it makes you feel bigger in some way?


How about the claw hammer attack and your denial of it ever happening. The stance of a typical UAF forum bully.


And while we're talking about big, do somehow think you are big cheese posting on a forum morning noon and night? :loopy:

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How about the claw hammer attack and your denial of it ever happening. The stance of a typical UAF forum bully.


And while we're talking about big, do somehow think you are big cheese posting on a forum morning noon and night? :loopy:



Wasn't the 'claw attack' just a BNP stunt? didn't they pull out of the court case in the end?

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