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Why are people bothered about racist remarks aimed at them ?

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:huh: Sorry...you lost me a bit with that. Are you saying that people who insult you because of your <fill the space> you ignore or laugh at? Do you think laughing or snapping are any more or less constructive than each other.


Yes. It seems pointless to do otherwise. You still haven't explained what you mean by 'snapping' and how it would help.


What I was implying is that if you ignore in the "real" world why do you need to respond in the wonderweb world? Why not just ignore...after all it is the solution..isn't it?


I do the same on here. It doesn't bother me if people want to call me names. I had one poster the other day who told me to go get cancer; that didn't bother me either, I didn't start an argument about it because it's pointless to argue with morons.


Try laughing when alone with a room full of racist bigots. Knowing that the room is full of well adjusted human beings with the odd racist is another thing, because when alone they're just very weak individuals.


If you've ever been a victim of racial abuse you'd already know that most of the time you will only be verbally assaulted by someone who is with a group of their (equally retarded) mates. Those kind of people are coward at heart and you could pass the same person the next day and they are alone and they will simply look at the ground as they pass you (that has actually happened to me).


If you mean "laughing" by the use of words (argument) then fine..i'll go with that. But to say just ignore then go running to a thread seems somewhat disingenuous.


I don't 'go running' anywhere. I come on here regularly and participate in threads out of pure boredom, not because I have just been verbally abused and want to come tell everyone about it.


Btw..non of my posts have been in response to any of yours..you seemed to imply it was.


Well you quoted me in post #66, so I responded.

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Thats the point i've made many times on here!


Some years ago 3 black teens shouted abuse to my mother, calling her a fat bitch, ect.


A passer by yelled out of his car window ''black c**ts' all 3 of them were shocked and started shouting back to the man ''racist b*****d''


Why did they think it was acceptable for them to abuse an older women because shes large, but think it wasnt acceptable for them to be abused?



Because the idiot who shouted "Black C**** probably didn't have enough grey matter to think there maybe an innocent Black bystander within earshot.


The irony with this is if the Black guys were fat the headbanger in the car would probably have shouted "Black fat B******'s.


Nothing like a passing helping hand eh?

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To a point I would agree...but your statement is an implication we've now progressed from racial abuse (as in the op) to "mom...she's wearing my socks!" pettiness. There's nothing petty or smart about calling another person **gga or **ki. That's the problem with these threads they always turn out it's somehow the same. It's only the same if you can't differentiate between childhood and adulthood. Most absorb the wealth of information from childhood to adulthood to make well informed and balanced choices...some don't.


I got called donkey as a kid and it had nothing to do with my ears....but I did use the reasoning behind the name calling to my advantage as an adult.


Did you used to live on Blackpool beach.

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Because the idiot who shouted "Black C**** probably didn't have enough grey matter to think there maybe an innocent Black bystander within earshot.


The irony with this is if the Black guys were fat the headbanger in the car would probably have shouted "Black fat B******'s.


Nothing like a passing helping hand eh?


What about my mother and other fat people in the area? do we only think racism is not acceptable?

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Well you quoted me in post #66, so I responded.



Sorry...that was a fluke. I was merely pointing out the op's feeling on the subject, as in "doesn't bother me".

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What about my mother and other fat people in the area? do we only think racism is not acceptable?



Any abuse is unacceptable, I never implied otherwise.


My implication was the guy in the car was no better than the idiots who verbally abused your mum.

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I have had racist remarks said to me when living in another country and it didnt bother me one bit, so why do certain people make a meal of it ?


Racism is a bit like bullying, It is generally aimed at groups who are perceived to be less powerful and in some way inferior. If they are no longer perceeived in that way, the racism stops. Hence adopting an aggresive, zero tolerance stance towards racists is precisely the right thing to do.

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Because the idiot who shouted "Black C**** probably didn't have enough grey matter to think there maybe an innocent Black bystander within earshot.
I don't think you're showing enough grey matter to see the irony in what you've just posted?


You're more or less implying that mattyuk's mother somehow deserved being abused in the street by scroates and her feelings or the feelings of any other 'fat' person in the vicinity don't matter as much as the feelings of some hypothetical 'innocent black bystander' :huh:


Is this what happens, someone starts abusing someone for no good reason, another person responds and then suddenly they're a racist? :confused: No wonder there's so much ill feeling around today.

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I don't think you're showing enough grey matter to see the irony in what you've just posted?


You're more or less implying that mattyuk's mother somehow deserved being abused in the street by scroates and her feelings or the feelings of any other 'fat' person in the vicinity don't matter as much as the feelings of some hypothetical 'innocent black bystander' :huh:


Is this what happens, someone starts abusing someone for no good reason, another person responds and then suddenly they're a racist? :confused: No wonder there's so much ill feeling around today.


I think you're on a point scoring mission...I never implied matty's mother deserved being abused...so stop stirring the usual sh*t. Why do you do that?



If you read my posts you'd have understood that. I don't defend any racism whether it's 3 black guys throwing abuse or some dimwit also shouting abuse


As i said..the guy in the car would probably use the insult " fat" as he did "Black" given the opportunity.


And yes...you are probably a racist if you use the term "Black".


"I never use the term unless their Black, because their colour somehow justifies their crime"....makes sense that does. Maybe I can use Ginger more often.:rolleyes:

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