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Why are people bothered about racist remarks aimed at them ?

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I think you're on a point scoring mission...I never implied matty's mother deserved being abused...so stop stirring the usual sh*t. Why do you do that?


If you read my posts you'd have understood that. I don't defend any racism whether it's 3 black guys throwing abuse or some dimwit also shouting abuse


As i said..the guy in the car would probably use the insult " fat" as he did "Black" given the opportunity.


And yes...you are probably a racist if you use the term "Black".


"I never use the term unless their Black, because their colour somehow justifies their crime"....makes sense that does. Maybe I can use Ginger more often.:rolleyes:

Yes, you did imply it, just by what you posted. How can you not see that? I'm not stirring, I'm trying to understand how your mind works.


Because at the moment, you're doing that annoying thing of trying to shut people down by trying to make out that they're racist in some way if they don't accept that 'bame' people have a worse time than anyone else.


You can use whatever terms you find useful to patronise and insult people. It makes no odds to me. I don't have to feel embarrassed for you, you're nothing to me. Just another keyboard warrior in the great swirling guffstorm of the internet. :)

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Yes, you did imply it, just by what you posted. How can you not see that? I'm not stirring, I'm trying to understand how your mind works.


Because at the moment, you're doing that annoying thing of trying to shut people down by trying to make out that they're racist in some way if they don't accept that 'bame' people have a worse time than anyone else.


You can use whatever terms you find useful to patronise and insult people. It makes no odds to me. I don't have to feel embarrassed for you, you're nothing to me. Just another keyboard warrior in the great swirling guffstorm of the internet. :)


Good old ruby:love:

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Oh please...that's so well worn.


I have thoughts on this thread and subject...as stated in my posts...Would be interesting to know yours rather than "Hey...racism/hate is ok if you have the balls to tolerate it, I do and can". Some don't tolerate and some actively don't.


Haters based on subjects already stated are usually thick intolorant knuckledraggers who don't have enough space between their ears to have an atom transplant. I'm sure you'd be pretty pizzed off if your pants were pulled down in public only for all to point at weeny, bet you wouldn't shrug that one off so easily. :D


Ok...maybe I do have an agenda...nothing new on here. I just dislike haters, of any kind. Their destructive.


Then you must truely despise yourself.

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Maybe you would, but on here, to all intents and purposes, you're hidden. For example, if you wanted to seek me out for any reason, nearly everyone knows who I am and where to find me. My cover was blown years ago :D


Whereas you, who knows who you are? You could be anyone from anywhere, so effectively, you're just another keyboard warrior. Of course nasty remarks bother people, whatever the nasty remarks are. Especially if they're based on something you can do nothing at all about. But at least people who pretend not to care, are laughing in the face of adversity and I admire them for it. I can't stand people who go 'running to teacher' over every little thing, it's so petty and counter productive in the end. IMO! :)


Do you think overdosing on stress pills and painkillers, is 'running to teacher'?


Maybe it is 'petty and counter productive' to let yourself be affected by racist remarks.... but not everyone is able to.

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Do you think overdosing on stress pills and painkillers, is 'running to teacher'?


Maybe it is 'petty and counter productive' to let yourself be affected by racist remarks.... but not everyone is able to.


Ruby did say "over every little thing". I don't think anyone would consider the case you have provided, amongst many others, of being petty.

There are kids all over the place comitting suicide, and in need of help - not to mention adults - but there is a line between petty and constant.

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Yes, you did imply it, just by what you posted. How can you not see that? I'm not stirring, I'm trying to understand how your mind works.


Because at the moment, you're doing that annoying thing of trying to shut people down by trying to make out that they're racist in some way if they don't accept that 'bame' people have a worse time than anyone else.


You can use whatever terms you find useful to patronise and insult people. It makes no odds to me. I don't have to feel embarrassed for you, you're nothing to me. Just another keyboard warrior in the great swirling guffstorm of the internet. :)


You're trying to understand nothing...if you read the post you'd understand that...and if you didn't understand you could have asked, considering you're "trying" that is, rather than going off on your sh*t stirring marathons.


If you're unhappy with the one sidedness of it all you can join the BNP, I'm sure they'll sort it all for you.


Get real..it's the internet, if people get shut down it's because their argument is pathetic.


I've accused no one of racism with the exception that this is a race motivated thread led and run by race motivated idiots IMO.


As for you not caring who I am you seem to be going hell bent on proving otherwise.


In matty's case I removed myself from the sentimentality of it and commented on the rest of his post...you can do that when you're not actually involved. That incident could have escalated much further than it did had the 3 "B**K C**** decided to take further action because of some halfwit throwing a verbal and driving on like a hero. Is that how you seen the driver a hero for defending matty and his mum?


Now miss flick of the hair please explain how I implied matty's mum deserved it?

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Ruby did say "over every little thing". I don't think anyone would consider the case you have provided, amongst many others, of being petty.

There are kids all over the place comitting suicide, and in need of help - not to mention adults - but there is a line between petty and constant.


It may not be petty individually, the point is that the cumulative effect of individual petty events is not so easy to shrug off.

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