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Watch What You Say--For God 's Sake !

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This is just a rough & ready report & comment as I haven 't time to check everything accurately [ But I 'm sure someone will correct it, if necessary ! ].


Just been reading in the Telegraph [ online ] that a street preacher has been arrested, in Workington, Cumbria, and banged up for seven hours because he was overheard by a Police Gay Liaison Somebody or other, saying that homosexuality was a sin. A spokesperson [ got to be p.c ! ] for the man 's solicitors said that in fact, the man had NOT committed an offence and that the police had misinterpreted the law on ' incitement to hatred or violence '.


Well, I suppose it might be interesting to see how it all falls out......but, surely, there must be very little crime of any sort in Workington, if the local Bill have the time, money and energy to pursue ' borderline ' cases like this.......for 7 hours ! How long for ' borderline ' G.B.H ? Seven years ?

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Guest sibon
The once great, independent British police force that was the envy of the world, are now politically correct New Labour stormtroopers.


It's Cultural Marxism gone mad, I tell ya.

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No ...he didn't mention it in the 'sermon' he was giving but was later overheard by a PCSO telling a passer-by that homosexuality along with drunkenness, blasphemy, adultery etc. were sinful according to 1 Corinthians.


The PCSO just happened to be the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender liaison officer for Cumbria police. :D


If you can be banged up for repeating what is written in them, perhaps it's about time these wicked books, the Bible and Koran etc. were banned.


I'm afraid it's the Torygraph again :rolleyes:



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