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Watch What You Say--For God 's Sake !

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They probably would be.




Why, indeed!.


.. but, then ...


Why make assumptions as to what people are basing their judgements on?


I did make an assumption that your opinion was formed by the Telegraph article that reported the Preacher's story of events without any corresponding explanation from the police force involved.



If my assumption was incorrect, what were you basing your opinion that this is an example of a "jumped up PCSO with a poor understanding of good policing" on, then?

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If he's committing a crime then he should be nicked. The preacher was committing a crime, was warned about it by the copper, and carried on!


He had a chance, he ignored it. If a copper tells you to stop doing something and you ignore him you will get nicked.




The police are not the arbiters of law.


Law is drawn up by parliament and interpreted by the courts but even so its often found that both the interpretation and the 'laws' themselves are in fact unlawful.


In this case we have a man repeting what is stated in the bible, how can this be against the law in a christian sociaty?


Further it is not just the right of the citizen to question unjusts laws but your duty to chalange them.


I would say that such chalanges as in this case are needed because if no one speaks out then this marxist interpretation may well gain creedence.


The time has come to chalange PC lunacy or face the consequences of not doing so.

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So saying that homosexuality should not be allowed because it is inciting hatred can get you arrested because it is upsetting a gay cpso. How come we can have extremists preaching death and hatred against christians and our troops and get away with it? Something tells me that minority groups rule in this country, the PC brigade just don't want to upset them.

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If he's committing a crime then he should be nicked. The preacher was committing a crime, was warned about it by the copper, and carried on!


He had a chance, he ignored it. If a copper tells you to stop doing something and you ignore him you will get nicked.




So if a copper tells you to stop breathing you're dead.....or nicked :hihi:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Charges dropped!


He should never have been arrested. He may be a deluded hatemonger, but he should have the right to spew his mindless drivel. Our anti-hate-speech legislation is well-intentioned but badly thought out. Freedom of speech has to trump freedom from being offended every time

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