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Why are we in a right mess ?

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So who on earth are you ment to vote for if you want change but dont want the tories in?


The most we can do is prepare a strong platform for a legitimate 3rd party come the 2015 election and batten down the hatches in the meantime.

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The Tories left this country in a right mess in 1997 and

Labour are leaving us in a right mess in 2010.


Neither Conservative or Labour deserve our vote.


Each of them automatically have to say the complete opposite to each other,

(unless they are talking about MPs expenses - when most MPs agree to

cheat all tax payers.)


This political bickering hasn't work well for us in recent decades.


I hope that everyone changes their vote to LibDems so that we can

see if the other alternative works.


I don't think that Labour can win and I genuinely fear more of the Nasty Party.


Please vote LibDem - it's the only way to make MPs sit up and pay attention.




Labour were borrowing to make themselves look better than they were.

Even when the economy was doing fine.


Read on.





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So who on earth are you ment to vote for if you want change but dont want the tories in?


Vote for the good of the country not for the vested interests of any minority who gain power through a "first past the post" system which locks out the moderate majority from being truly represented.


Did you know ... "10 of the 14 governments that enjoy the top AAA rating on their sovereign debt have coalition or minority governments and that none of them has ever had to call in the IMF."


Concensus government works ... opposing left/right parties have an imbalanced view of what is good for the country.

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The Tories left this country in a right mess in 1997 and

Labour are leaving us in a right mess in 2010.


Neither Conservative or Labour deserve our vote.


Each of them automatically have to say the complete opposite to each other,

(unless they are talking about MPs expenses - when most MPs agree to

cheat all tax payers.)


This political bickering hasn't work well for us in recent decades.


I hope that everyone changes their vote to LibDems so that we can

see if the other alternative works.


I don't think that Labour can win and I genuinely fear more of the Nasty Party.


Please vote LibDem - it's the only way to make MPs sit up and pay attention.





Maybe there should be a fourth party, there seems to be plenty on here who know how to run the country better than anyone else.

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Labour were borrowing to make themselves look better than they were.

Even when the economy was doing fine.


Sorry to break this but so were the Tories. In fact until about 2009 Labour borrowed less as a proportion of GDP than the Tories did in their last 6 years in power.




They only had to start borrowing silly amounts because the world-wide recession (tax revenues fell as the economy contracted) and banking bailout.

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The Tories left this country in a right mess in 1997 and

Labour are leaving us in a right mess in 2010.


Neither Conservative or Labour deserve our vote.


Each of them automatically have to say the complete opposite to each other,

(unless they are talking about MPs expenses - when most MPs agree to

cheat all tax payers.)


This political bickering hasn't work well for us in recent decades.


I hope that everyone changes their vote to LibDems so that we can

see if the other alternative works.


I don't think that Labour can win and I genuinely fear more of the Nasty Party.


Please vote LibDem - it's the only way to make MPs sit up and pay attention.





Yes LibDem, others had enough time.

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I don't think that the Conservatives will keep to their promises.


They represent the wealthy and the wealthy are shielded from

the hardship that we are about to endure.


They talk the talk because they need votes from ordinary people.


If they get in power, they will screw you.




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