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Why are we in a right mess ?

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The Tories left this country in a right mess in 1997


Just the opposite in fact. Most views on the UK economy that Labour inherited would declare it to be in a sound, healthy state. Please provide links to the appropriate economic figures that back up your claim.


And yet Brown/Blair inherited an economy which was at least healthy and some may say rather spirited.


Compare with Brown. His mistakes stretch over more than a decade, masked by his tactic of hiding away, as though bunkered.




It is also true to say that Labour has enjoyed large slices of luck. It was lucky to lose in 1992, and to inherit a sound economy in 1997.




That is the point about this recession. It is deeper in the UK because we were the worse prepared. The local banking crisis was severe because banks were allowed, under Gordon Brown’s own regulations introduced in 2000, to create extraordinary situations that were highly toxic. In 1997, Gordon Brown inherited an economy in robust condition. Our country’s finances now lie in tatters.



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Why are we in a mess? Laziness and bitchiness.


People will not accept their wrongs. The public want to blame someone or something else for their wrongs. For example a child is badly behaved - not the fault of the bad parent - it's ADHD or another condition / it's social services fault.


Now that parent will then claim various other benefits - carers allowance etc. They will see countless 'specialists' - all paid for. Claiming money for a problem they have created themselves.


Now not all cases are the same, but Labour is dishing out money to people who are laughing. As the parent stays at home and refuses to work, as they live quite happy on benefits, their children pick up their bad habits and thus themselves graduate into this horrible breed of parent.


The next Government will be tough - but that it what people need. As in children need discipline and structure, so do the public. Gordon Brown is crying 'but the Tories will cut this...' - sometimes you have got to be cruel to be kind and financially cuts are needed.

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