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Will petrol prices go up because of BPs

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BP didn't build the rig, BP didn't run the rig, and BP didn't control safety on the rig.



Why are we blaming BP? Why not Gucci, or JJB Sports?


If they aren't responsible, why did they offer to foot the clean-up bill? :huh:

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If they aren't responsible, why did they offer to foot the clean-up bill? :huh:


They'd probably sooner pay it up front and then recover it from the company that operated the rig, instead of having all these idiots who think BP operated the rig themselves, blaming them for not coming up with the money.


Unfortunately, the idiocy of idiots seems to know no bounds. One lawyer over here has already filed a class-action lawsuit against BP, even though he doesn't have a class of people for clients. He hasn't taken any action whatsoever against Transocean, apparently because they don't have billions of dollars in cash for him to go after.

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The Gulf fishermen who have lost their livelihood are preparing to file a lawsuit against BP. I wish them well. BP is just one of the fat money bloated oil slugs I'd like to see squeezed until the pips squeak

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I don't know much about oil exploration or the detail of this terrible accident but I understand that it was a technical failure of a valve on the seabed that's caused the explosion and the subsequent release, not incompetence. Obviously time will tell.


But, if we don't like it we could always stop consuming oil. If we want to use natural resources we have to accept that this sort of thing will happen from time to time.

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