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I need the Heimlich - NOW!!

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Can you think of a good charade for "I've got a piece of Lamb stuck in my throat and I need you to do the Heimlick NOW"? :confused:


Sure could have done a better job myself at the weekend, nobody knew what I was on about ... no coughing, no spluttering, no sound, just a nice piece of tender lamb completely blocking my airway and refusing to go down. I stand up point to my throat but just get blank stares back. Useless performance I know ... and it got a useless response. Could have been a birthday meal to remember for all the wrong reasons ...


"Thousands of people are dying each year in situations where first aid could have made the difference. This includes nearly 900 people who choke to death, 2,500 who asphyxiate from a blocked airway and 29,000 who die from heart attacks."


"Fainting will occur if the obstruction leads to a reduced supply of oxygen to the brain. In this case it is vital to remove the obstruction as soon as possible. If the obstruction is quickly removed, then no lasting damage will be done, but if the brain is starved of oxygen for more than a few seconds, it can lead to serious injury. Permanent brain damage can result in about two minutes and death in three minutes."


In my case the game lasted just 60 seconds. My reflexes decided if it's not gonna go down it had better come up ... :gag:


How long would you like to play that game for? What would your sign language be for "I've got a piece of Lamb stuck in my throat and I need you to do the Heimlick NOW"? :huh:


Remember it's sign language only! Without any warning you can't breathe or speak.


Oh and I'll try to be more careful about chewing my food in future. Hope you are too ...

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Can't call it by that name anymore. You will get done.


Yep, you will get sued, its now called the Abdominal thrust :)


Ive never been unfortunate enough to choke, but I think the first thing you do is panic as you cannot breathe, this doesnt help the situation of the sign language, but I think I would do what you did, point to my throat and hope someone realises whats happening, the people I have helped with choking has been able to gasp for air through what little space between alien object and sides of windpipe they had.

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Not the Heimlich? Some kind of Rocky Horror Abdomial Thrust Charade then ... ???


Wasn't alone, my partner's a nurse too ... and the restaurant owner later told me she's trained and has previously used the [Heimlich]. Without being able to make a sound it's difficult to convey a sense of urgency and those not immediately next to you have little idea there's even a problem.


Whilst choking and panicking you could wrap your arms across your front and pull inwards. This should give a good clue as the abdominal thrust (thanks WW) is done from behind anyway.


Yes, hopefully that would do it. I didn't manage to convey a sense of urgency though. When the seconds are ticking away and you're not sure how long it will be before you lose consciousness you kinda like wish you weren't playing guessing games!!!

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I once got a piece of chicken stuck in my throat from an Indian take-away meal. I started to choke and Mr Godzilla sat there as if I was doing it for a laugh. I had the wit to push both fists into my solar plexus and bend double - luckily it worked. I make sure that I cut meat up into smaller pieces nowadays.

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I had the wit to push both fists into my solar plexus and bend double - luckily it worked.


Nice one, wish I'd known that!!! Thinking on your feet or were you prepared?


Anyways it seems laughably silly now. I hid the offending piece under some potatoes. The OH reckons I should have left it in plain view on the plate as the staff will think that greedy twerp had a second go and ate it after all.

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