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Are you voting for Sheffield Labour MP's to lose their seats?

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I wouldn't describe myself as a long time party hack more a supporter of the only party which puts people before profit.


Max, the proliferation of extraordinarily profitable PFI's under Labour says otherwise. They might be off the balance sheet but the result is less money to spend for future generations.

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I don't think the word supporter and life long party member, activist and councilor are in any way compatable.


Tell me, why is it that labour party members keep posting this line of being 'supporters'?


I'm not dead yet and have been a member for less than 1/4 of my life. :D


I've never been a councilor (sic) and don't ever want to be one.


The terms activist and supporter are hardly mutually exclusive. We have many supporters who deliver 1 leaflet drop around their homes once a year. I wouldn't describe them as activists though.

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I'm not dead yet and have been a member for less than 1/4 of my life. :D


I've never been a councilor (sic) and don't ever want to be one.


The terms activist and supporter are hardly mutually exclusive. We have many supporters who deliver 1 leaflet drop around their homes once a year. I wouldn't describe them as activists though.


I'm sorry Max but I find this trend of labour party members refering to themselves as 'supports' quite disturbing.


Tell me, are supports of Sheffield Wednesday alowed to make proposals in board meetings, are they alowed to direct the policy of the club, hire and fire employees, etc etc.


After you've done with your 'play on words' you might want to take a look at the law relating to 'members' making missleading statements during the election process :D

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I've had one leaflet from the Lib-Dems, dozens of leaflets etc., from the Tories and diddly squat from Labour (Angela Smith sitting MP for revised constituency). Either they're (Labour) really confident about Stocksbridge and Penistone or they just don't think any effort is worth it. Btw, the amount of effort will not persuade me to vote this way or that (policies will).

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Judging from SF's pages and what I hear around and about the Lib-Dems seem to be flavour of the month right now. I've met almost nobody that says they are voting Labour and lots who say that they are voting Lib-Dem instead.


So, will this translate into them winning more MP's seats around Sheffield?


Is it conceivable that Angela Smith, Meg Munn, David Blunkett or Clive Betts will lose their long-standing Labour seats to the Lib-Dems?


No. It isn't conceivable Tony.


Angela Smith (Penistone & Stocksbridge)

Major boundary changes since 2005.

Swing required: 10.22%

Conservative target = No. 146

Lib Dem target = No. 131


Meg Munn (Sheffield Heeley).

Swing required: 16.34%.

Conservative target = No. 319.

Lib Dem target = No. 398.


David Blunkett (Sheffield Brightside & Hillsborough)

Swing required: 28.29%

Conservative target = No. 402

Lib Dem target = No. 566


Clive Betts (Sheffield South East)

Swing required: 21.68%

Conservative target = No. 340

Lib Dem target = No. 551


So, not even the Tories & Lib Dems think these seats are really winnable from Labour.


Link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/general-election-2010

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.....After you've done with your 'play on words' you might want to take a look at the law relating to 'members' making missleading statements during the election process :D


I'd be interested to know whatever this law is you claim exists. :huh:


Maybe you'd be kind enough to provide a link. After all, you wouldn't want to be accused of making a "missleading {sic} statement" would you? :suspect:

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Judging from SF's pages and what I hear around and about the Lib-Dems seem to be flavour of the month right now. I've met almost nobody that says they are voting Labour and lots who say that they are voting Lib-Dem instead.


So, will this translate into them winning more MP's seats around Sheffield?


Is it conceivable that Angela Smith, Meg Munn, David Blunkett or Clive Betts will lose their long-standing Labour seats to the Lib-Dems?

Pretty much inconceivable for those lot to go just yet, so long as we have fptp it looks like Labour are going to be able to take most of Sheffield for granted for a good while yet. They're being pushed in Central though if that falls & is made safe the Lib Dems may have a real go somewhere else in two parliaments time.


Blunkett needs to go if any sort of message that they are fed up of Labour and Blair's legacy of war.


I don't know who would be the best person to vote for though, I would have thought Lib Dem but I haven't heard of hide nor hair of any Lib Dem promoting anything round here, never mind their own candidacy.


I certainly would not vote Tory.


Maybe the Greens ?

Give them a chance, they're currenlty going all out to try and take Central from Labour which leaves little for unwinnable seats. under fptp they've got to put everything they can into winnable seats which at the moment certainly doesn't include Brightside. If we keep fptp with a bit of luck & the Lib Dems keep up their campaign to take Sheffield you can perhaps expect Brightside to be saved from Labour in about 40 years or so.

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Is it conceivable that Angela Smith, Meg Munn, David Blunkett or Clive Betts will lose their long-standing Labour seats to the Lib-Dems?


If they do, sadly, it will be by default and a great shame. Not that I can stand any of the above, based on their behaviour, but that the Labour party will be the party that will do the most for the majority of voters in these constituencies. If Labour had any sense, they would have got rid of at least a couple you mention, and provided new alternatives.

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