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Does it put you off voting

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It was not the fact that he called someone a bigot that was so disturbing. It was the fact that he stood and chatted with the lady for some time and was all smiles and smarm with her that was off putting. He was very polite and kind to her face. Then behind her back he called her a bigot,showing himself to be a total hypocrite. Being a hypocrite is not a virtue.


don't we all do that though?

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That would rather depend on whether the person he was accusing of bigotry, actually was a bigot or not. The candidate might be displaying refreshing honesty; or he might not.


Similarly the person he was calling a bigot might have been displaying refreshing honesty.


No one seems to spare a though for loyal Sue Nye in all this. One of Brown's closest and most loyal aides and the thanks she gets is to be slagged off by McRuin for (oh the horror!) allowing him to meet an unscripted real person.

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It was not the fact that he called someone a bigot that was so disturbing. It was the fact that he stood and chatted with the lady for some time and was all smiles and smarm with her that was off putting. He was very polite and kind to her face. Then behind her back he called her a bigot,showing himself to be a total hypocrite. Being a hypocrite is not a virtue.


So if he'd called her a bigot to her face, and been honest, no one would have said anything?


The hypocrites are the media - they want him to tell the truth if it fits their version of what the truth should be.

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What is putting me off voting is seeing David common (not) Cameron's shiny face every time I put on the t.v. harping about how he can save this country *yawn* If he mentions about education going back to what it used to one more time I think I will officially have a baby. Is he going to pay for every child to go to Eton, hypocrite.

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Similarly the person he was calling a bigot might have been displaying refreshing honesty.


If they were, then the candidate's calling them a bigot would be unjustified; on the other hand, if they were actually being a bigot, I wouldn't say the candidate had done anything wrong.


Insofar as this applies directly to Gordon Brown, I haven't read or seen what this alleged bigot actually said. I won't be back until after the election, therefore not voting, therefore not paying too much attention to the political news.

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. . . did his calling the woman a "bigot" make any difference to the way you would vote?? :)


Not the actual word "bigot" but the insincerity of the man.


One minute asking about her grandchildren, the next minute slagging her off.




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Not the actual word "bigot" but the insincerity of the man.


One minute asking about her grandchildren, the next minute slagging her off.


Can't blame Brown for that. We have always demanded insincerity from our politicians; any of them who ever actually admit to disliking someone get dropped like hot bricks. Since it's palpably absurd to believe that any person can go through an entire lifetime without meeting someone they dislike, politicians have no choice BUT to be insincere and pretend to like everyone.


They have the same problem with uncomfortable truths - as, for instance, the uncomfortable truth that everyone is going to suffer in the next few years while we try to sort out the enormous budget deficits. Any politician who admits we're going to suffer is automatically out of the running; so they all waffle, fudge, and pretend that they can fix the problems without causing any actual pain.

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David cameron - "The Government can't do everything"

David cameron - "The Government can save Britain"


Oh so you can save Britain? That's not a big deal for you? But you want people to run their own schools and take the law into their own hands because you can't do that?


What a gormless toff.


Anyway no it wouldn't stop me voting Labour, because the woman in question was a bigot. I think you'd have to be the biggest hypocrit in the world to change your mind after what he said.


Are you telling me you've never ever thought anybody for example, to be an utter <removed>? Course you have, but you'd have to be an absolute psychopath to just walk up to them and say "Hi, you're a <removed>"


There's certain social rules we have to follow in our daily lives which include being nice to people who we think are <removed> and who we don't like, you can't just go up to people you don't like and call them all <removed>.


You can't expect anybody who doesn't have Aspergers sydrome to do that.

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