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Did anyone see Gordon Browns speech?

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Yawn.......All hollow promises & illeagl wars!!!


If he wants to make a difference in politics then he should 'offer to accept performance related pay'.......wonder how much he'd get per year!

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Yes just seen it.

Much better. Go on Gordy save us from Smarmy Dave!


What instead od Smarmy Gordon??? Please forgive me I din't mean to call you 'that women' or 'bigoted'!!!


Champagne socialists the lot of them. Do as I say not as i do!

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I thought it was very very good!




I saw all 3 leaders speeches broadcast live from the same venue.


Gordon certainly shouted loudest.


Shortly before Gordon took the platform a 14 year old girl broke down in tears whilst making her speech to the audience describing how tough it was for her parents to make ends meet on their wage.

Gordon cuddled the girl, that kinda got the audience conducive to Gordon, and seem to embolden him a little.....and then you had the protester interrupting in mid flow.


Cameron was the first one to speak , and he was confident and well received by the audience and in my eyes had the best speech performance and Q&A session afterwards.


Clegg also had a warm reception, but his speech wasn't too engaging, in the Q&A session no one applauded any of the answers he gave, unlike Cameron's Q & A session.


Just on performance alone,


I'd say


1st Cameron

2nd Brown

3rd Clegg.

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