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Depoix is poorly again..

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once again thank you to every one for their kind words,if i may i would like to make a few comments on the n h s as i saw it from my hospital bed ,well four beds actually i was constantly on the move,dont know if it was by requests from the overworked angels we call nurses,i know one move was because the electrics in a nearby ward failed and a man needed equipment that had to be plugged in


the food was good and regular, my one concern was that no one seemed to talk to anyone about a situation ,i was attended by a nurse who called me david a lot ,it was only after she asked my date of birth that she realised david was at the other side of the ward ,there were moments i could have laughed or cried such as being woken at 5 am to ask if i wanted a tooth brush,the main thing was the equipment


one old lad in the next bed was hooked up to a monitor ,the alarm was bleeping all through the night ,now the nurses kept on turning it off but it was on again within minutes which kept him and us awake,i came from the shower to find a lady under my bed,i have been in some strange situations before so knew not to bother asking what she was doing ,in the end it turned out she was cleaning the dust from the frame work under every bed ,now thats dedication


the doctors ...why do they always call at lunch time ?they are very straight talking nowadays and dont beat about the bush ,top off sir now ,breathe naturally im listening to your heart not your lungs ...how many ciggaretts do you smoke a day ? right i'll stick another 20 on top of that figure you just gave me ...do you drink at all ? how much ?..ok i'll add a few to that figure as well ....it was like an interigation but all for my own good


the n h s needs fit and active volunteers so anyone who can spare a few hours a week would, im sure, be made welcome,and from what i saw it would be great to work with such dedicated people, i dont know how they keep their cool at times though as there were some grumpy moaning old farts in the hospital, that includes me as well ,it's the tedium that gets to you i suppose but only when you get home do you realise that maybe you could have done more to help yourself and not put pressure on overworked members of staff


a final word to the wannabe tough guys the drunks and the idiots ,you looked like clowns strutting around and shouting ,after all we all knew it was your own fear that made you spout off and thump your chests ,only to be put in your place by a little lady in a nurses uniform, god bless them all

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once again thank you to every one for their kind words,if i may i would like to make a few comments on the n h s as i saw it from my hospital bed ,well four beds actually i was constantly on the move,dont know if it was by requests from the overworked angels we call nurses,i know one move was because the electrics in a nearby ward failed and a man needed equipment that had to be plugged in


the food was good and regular, my one concern was that no one seemed to talk to anyone about a situation ,i was attended by a nurse who called me david a lot ,it was only after she asked my date of birth that she realised david was at the other side of the ward ,there were moments i could have laughed or cried such as being woken at 5 am to ask if i wanted a tooth brush,the main thing was the equipment


one old lad in the next bed was hooked up to a monitor ,the alarm was bleeping all through the night ,now the nurses kept on turning it off but it was on again within minutes which kept him and us awake,i came from the shower to find a lady under my bed,i have been in some strange situations before so knew not to bother asking what she was doing ,in the end it turned out she was cleaning the dust from the frame work under every bed ,now thats dedication


the doctors ...why do they always call at lunch time ?they are very straight talking nowadays and dont beat about the bush ,top off sir now ,breathe naturally im listening to your heart not your lungs ...how many ciggaretts do you smoke a day ? right i'll stick another 20 on top of that figure you just gave me ...do you drink at all ? how much ?..ok i'll add a few to that figure as well ....it was like an interigation but all for my own good


the n h s needs fit and active volunteers so anyone who can spare a few hours a week would, im sure, be made welcome,and from what i saw it would be great to work with such dedicated people, i dont know how they keep their cool at times though as there were some grumpy moaning old farts in the hospital, that includes me as well ,it's the tedium that gets to you i suppose but only when you get home do you realise that maybe you could have done more to help yourself and not put pressure on overworked members of staff


a final word to the wannabe tough guys the drunks and the idiots ,you looked like clowns strutting around and shouting ,after all we all knew it was your own fear that made you spout off and thump your chests ,only to be put in your place by a little lady in a nurses uniform, god bless them all


It was obviously not the same hospital as I was in, last week. The food was appallingly bad. I mean woeful. Woeful, like, beyond the music-hall jokes about bad hospital food, woeful.


It wasn't easy being wired up to all kinds of monitors with their whistles and bells... (well, alarms and bells!) I utterly agree, the nursing staff, etc, in the cardiac unit, where I was awaiting my pacemaker surgery, were absolutely wonderful, and certainly worth double their weights in gold.

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