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Is this a man thing or just me?

Which of the following Items vanish the most.  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the following Items vanish the most.

    • Keys
    • Combs/Brushes
    • Credit Cards
    • Tools
    • Purses/Wallets
    • Cooking Utensils
    • Make up/cosmetic essentials.
    • Clothing/accessories/shoes
    • Tea/Bath/Hand Towels

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You know when you get around to sorting out the tool cupboard, mainly because you are looking for that one item that has simply vanished.

Why is it that you empty everything out, just to start sorting screw sizes.

Place all your tools back in the tool boxes that have been laying around since that two minute job you did the other week.

Bundle together all the refugee screwdrivers/pliers etc that managed to find asylum in the back of a drawer/cupboard/shoebox.

Why is it stanley knife blades find their way into every crack, drawer, plastic tub available?

So now you've avoided severe injuries and the cupboard looks clean, you turn around to view the mess you've made, and you still haven't found what your looking for, despite the fact you can remember putting it in there at some point.

So you go through everything again, trying to place everything back in it's place in waiting (for you to come and ransack again at some point).

So now your exhausted, you feel you've achieved a lot, just not what you set out to do.

Because as is destined for your next rampage through the cupboard, that item you wanted has simply vanished into the abyss.

I'm gonna go and pin the devil now.

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It's not just a man thing. Not only does it happen to me with tools and the like, but it also happens with sewing kit, hair and makeup stuff (how many pairs of tweezers can one person lose in the same box?) and with cooking utensils too.

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It's not just a man thing. Not only does it happen to me with tools and the like, but it also happens with sewing kit, hair and makeup stuff (how many pairs of tweezers can one person lose in the same box?) and with cooking utensils too.


Too true, nail clippers/combs/brushes, they're the other thing that vanish alot, Just to turn up in the remotest of places.

They're should be a national survey on what Item vanishes the most.

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I have a total of five (FIVE) window rubber squeegee things because I kept buying a replacement for the one I couldn't remember the hiding place for, then not getting round to doing the windows anyway.


When I finally had a proper clear out, not only did I gather together all five of the damn things, but by that time the windows had been replaced with ones I could reach with my arm and a cloth, so they'll probably never be used at all now.


If anyone wonders where their window squeegee thing is, it's probably under my sink with all the others.


As for all the other Stuff, if it's not in my big metal toolbox or the bits-and-pieces drawer, it doesn't exist.


Oh, and I keep finding spare curtain rings, what's that all about?

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I lose my brush about twice a day (one minute it's in my hand and the next minute I'm rampaging around the house like the incredible Hulk) and my debit card every few months... also forever misplacing my rent card/ electric key/ gas card... grrr!!

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My bloke loses his wallet/keys/work ID card/phone on a daily basis. I just can't understand it, I put my things in the same place when I get home so I know where they are the next day, but he seems to somehow manage to scatter them to the four winds and forget what happened to everything :confused:

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Teaspoons disappear at my place. I used to blame the wife and kids for slinging them out in the empty Yoghurt pots, but since they've not been around for 4 years, and I have never had a Yoghurt in my life, I can't really use that one any more. :(

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