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Will you stay up all Thursday night/Friday morning?

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.. to see the election results come in?


My OH and eldest daughter do ... I just use it as an excuse for an early night ..


No, definitely not. The only thing which might make a noticable difference would be an oiutright LibDem majority, but that is close to impossible under the present system and I can't really see any reason to get excited about finding out as soon as possible whether the marketing men and spin doctors who will be lying to us for the next four years are conservative or labour.

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the best place to be for UK elections, especially close ones like this one where late results that may not come in until 5am UK time or even later could be crucial, is somewhere like Japan. You can go to bed on Thursday night, wake on Friday morning, and the results start coming in from about 8am.

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I'll be incommunicado on a plane somewhere across the Atlantic, so ... no. Or at least, if I am awake, I won't be watching election results; I will have no access to them.


BBC iplayer doesn't work outside the UK, but just go to a cyber cafe and listen to Radio 4's election night special.

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I made an guess at the date of the election and as such have had the next day booked of for a while. I've stayed up and watch every election since 1992, even though I was too young to vote by a couple if months.

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I always stay up till the very small hours with some cans and nibbles. It's alway hilarious to see the faces of the party who has done badly get more and more fed-up looking as the night progresses. Plus this time we could have some big firsts like possible first UKIP, BNP or Green MPs.

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