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Will you stay up all Thursday night/Friday morning?

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It always gives me a warm glow to think that she finally got to feel at least some of the pain the miners, etc, felt when they were thrown out of their jobs because of her..


Which is a little silly given that she was the one fixing the problem, not the one causing it.

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I'll be incommunicado on a plane somewhere across the Atlantic, so ... no. Or at least, if I am awake, I won't be watching election results; I will have no access to them.


if the volcano in iceland continues to erupt you might not be on a plane

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.. to see the election results come in?


My OH and eldest daughter do ... I just use it as an excuse for an early night ..


OoooOoooOh I will. I did it with the American election when Obama was elected but was knackered 20mins before the actual result came in & fell asleep. There was a great atomsphere on the forum as well with a thread Solomon :) had started about the live election results.


Roll on Thursday.....:)

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Will you stay up all Thursday night/Friday morning?


Yep. Should be the most unpredictable (and therefore interesting) election in many years.


I know, I can't wait though I am kind of nervous. My guess is it will be a hung parliment but you never know with all this media savvy/manipulation favouring the Tories. I sincerely hope they do not get elected.


Interesting how the DM have not resort to slagging GB off today in their paper. Labour must be ahead in the polls.

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