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Life - the eternal word

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does anyone ever feel that their life is just so low and horrible that they are just aswell best to give up and end it all


i dont meen just getting a bit of luck or help here and there, i meen that life and people and circumstances have got u down so much there is no way out


i dont wana tel a long storey here but i just need somethin to happen, if not a bullet in my head


i have not had a job in nearly 3 years and same time without a girlfriend, i have been doing all i can considering i live alone in my own flat, i have work placements in the week that i do, including depression management and group therapy, i have GP referals that i do like going to the gym and jobsearch and i try my very best to keep active and meet people, but life bein life i get nothing


i am not askin for millions just to have a settled decent job, to find someone to settle down with have a relationship the works, all i wanna do is be happy and content for once


i have family roung me but theyr not always there and not always understanding with things, when they do help i appreciate it


i am doing my best to get a job but certain companies just want u to be a trained monkey and to not have any say in anything


i wish i cud meet somebody nice and have somethin close and romantic with but that never happens with me i must be a freak or somethin


i must be so bad, i am one of the most interesting and diverse people i know but lasses just wanna go with ideots = nasty bitches who like pathetic losers the end


i dont know if saying all this is just treading over things but i needed to say somethin, i dont wana rake up my past as i wud be here all week writing down all the crap i have had thrown at me


sorry for appearing like a sad person but if i aint happy then i must be sad, in the true meaning of the word but i am no fool tho


for gods sake what to do

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hi there,im sure there are loads of people feel the same way at some point in there lives.it sounds as if you need a friend to talk to,i know these feelings do get you down.you do not appear to be a sad person you are probably down and depressed.try and get yourself some counselling maybe make an appointment to see your gp.i hope things get better for you.

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Jason, if a relationship is what you really want then it's better to wait for something meaningful. Just because nothing has come along yet does not make you a freak. People come together under various and often unforseen circumstances.


Life is much more difficult when you're not content with who you are, first and foremost. I honestly don't think that building relationships with other people will automatically make you happier, if you're not confident with your relationship with yourself.


If two people get together who are constantly looking externally for validation of who they are, they will both inevitably end up in a hollow, unfulfilling relationship.


What are your passions? Is there anything you can build on that gives you a sense of individual purpose? That's the foundation you need to work on. Starting from now.


Get your own house in order before looking to others to make you happier. In that respect, your work and your future comes first.


That's an individualist's perspective anyway, for what it's worth...

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Jason, if a relationship is what you really want then it's better to wait for something meaningful. Just because nothing has come along yet does not make you a freak. People come together under various and often unforseen circumstances.


Life is much more difficult when you're not content with who you are, first and foremost. I honestly don't think that building relationships with other people will automatically make you happier, if you're not confident with your relationship with yourself.


If two people get together who are constantly looking externally for validation of who they are, they will both inevitably end up in a hollow, unfulfilling relationship.


What are your passions? Is there anything you can build on that gives you a sense of individual purpose? That's the foundation you need to work on. Starting from now.


Get your own house in order before looking to others to make you happier. In that respect, your work and your future comes first.


That's an individualist's perspective anyway, for what it's worth...


This is really good advice. You really need to become comfortable with just being yourself. I'm not trying to twist the knife or anything, but women don't wan't to be with someone who comes across as desperate or needy. They like confidence. How can you make somebody else happy if you're not happy with yourself?


You're a valid person, just as important as everyone else in the world. You are somebody and you don't need anyone else to validate you. Maybe you should take up a hobby that will give you a bit of confidence... boxing maybe. You come across as someone who thinks too much, you're looking into the future and seeing nothing, but you don't know what could happen tomorrow! Or in a month! Or in a year! Chin up, we all fall into a black hole at some point in our lives, claw your way out of it! Don't just roll over and give up.

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i am quite happy with myself, the person inside is not perfect but then again who is, its just all the **** on the outside meaning life and everything that it throws at ya


u just think whats the point


yeh woman only go for arrogent cocky pricks, confidence dosnt cum into it,


if woman only go for confidence then they are only ever interested in the exterior front, not what is on the inside


i never get how people who get by quite happily in life treading over other people making this big act get eveything, yet those who are only being themselves and such get sod all


woman only go for looks or what they can get, theyr never with any bloke for the right reasons, no wonder then, as i have the rigth reasons but end up with emptyness and loneliness, sounds abaout right

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i am quite happy with myself, the person inside is not perfect but then again who is, its just all the **** on the outside meaning life and everything that it throws at ya


u just think whats the point


yeh woman only go for arrogent cocky pricks, confidence dosnt cum into it,


if woman only go for confidence then they are only ever interested in the exterior front, not what is on the inside


i never get how people who get by quite happily in life treading over other people making this big act get eveything, yet those who are only being themselves and such get sod all


woman only go for looks or what they can get, theyr never with any bloke for the right reasons, no wonder then, as i have the rigth reasons but end up with emptyness and loneliness, sounds abaout right


Some women. Not all of them. That's like saying all men are cheating dogs... most are but there's the odd few that aren't :hihi:.


You do know that it's most likely your unhappiness that's stopping you from attracting women don't you? You've created a vicious cycle; you're unhappy because you can't find a decent lady, but you'll never attract anyone whilst you're so unhappy. You need to believe that good things can come to you just as easily as anyone else but you're blocking anything and everything with your negativity. Stop looking at the world like 'boo hoo, poor me' and start thinking positively 'I'll meet the right person when the time is right'.


The world doesn't hate you; you're making yourself miserable.

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easily said than done


dont know what to do anymore, i am not just looking for someone who will complete my entire existence im not


my time is never ever guna happen, i am so right about that


You think I don't know how you feel? No-one said it was going to be easy, but step one is stop being so morbid and hopeless. No, your time is never gonna happen, as long as you keep telling yourself that over and over and over.

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easily said than done


dont know what to do anymore, i am not just looking for someone who will complete my entire existence im not


my time is never ever guna happen, i am so right about that

Pm me Jason mate.....

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